View Full Version : Your ideas?
11-19-2010, 05:16 PM
I've been doing a monthly newsletter for our stake now for 3 yrs. Every month we have a different set of goals--2 things that families/individuals can work on to be more prepared.
However, in the last year or so I've been sort of in a "quit dumping on the RS" phase. Very few wards in our stake have a preparedness specialist--in fact, right now none do. So when there is preparedness news it always goes through the RSP. And 9/10 of the time if there is a preparedness specialist, it's a woman.
So I've been telling the High Counselor and Stake Presidency member in charge of Preparedness that we need to help men be more involved, that ward leadership needs to quit dumping this on the RS, that this is a priesthood function, etc. But I think men think it's just about cooking with beans and making whole wheat bread, so it's none of their concern. If people in the stake aren't catching the spirit of preparedness, don't blame the RS, look at leadership.
So, now I've suggested that perhaps, in addition to the monthly newsletter that a separate newsletter go out for the priesthood, perhaps addressing things the PH should/could be doing. The Stake RSP thinks this is a great idea but the others haven't weighed in yet (they are always slow to respond to my emails :l0 (40):.)
So what are your thoughts?
First--do you think there is a general need for men to be more involved in the whole preparedness picture? How would you go about doing that?
Second--do you think a newsletter targeting men/PH/leadership would be a benefit?
If we did this in your stake, how would you like to see it done--just send it to Bishops or Bishops/EQP's/HPGL's and have them use it (or not) as they see fit?
Since the one newsletter I already do takes a lot of time, I'm thinking this would be a one page reference guide, sort of a Cliff Notes-style newsletter--to articles, resources, website info--that leaders or men could use as they like. But then, if it's not written out for them would they really use it?
What topics do you think would engage men? What topics or approaches do you think would be most helpful to men?
I appreciate any ideas or comments you have.
11-19-2010, 05:44 PM
All our emergency preparedness specialists are men. We had one lady for a couple of months.
Throw this quote out for starters:
Elder Marion G. Romney said,
“ Never forget this matter of providing for yourselves , even though you don't hear as much about it now as you did a few years ago. Remember that it is still a fundamental principle , one that has been taught the Saints ever since they came to these valleys of the mountains.”
Brothers and Sisters, the responsibility to prepare is our own. Brethren, as Priesthood holders we are to lead out in our home. It is our responsibility to care for our families. Our wives can support and assist us in this matter, but the Priesthood is the head of the home and is entrusted to lead. The responsibility to prepare lies within the individual family.
11-19-2010, 07:49 PM
Mirk's quote from Romney was the exact response that came to my mind as I read Prairiemom's post.
I served as EP specialist for many years and most of them around here are all women.
Lately, a lot of things seem to be turned upside down . I hope that with the new manual, and recent comments from the leadership about what trials are yet to come, that people will manage to get their heads on straight.
In answer to your questions-
yes, men need to be more involved, as they should be the people heading up the call.
Your ideas are all great. And if people are receptive then most of it should work.
IMHO, nothing will ever be as effective as strong leadership.
I tried newsletters...they landed in the trash bin by the exit.
I tried pdf files...I think 2 people ever contacted me for the link.
I emailed links to jazzy blogs and "one stop shopping" sites. Nary a response. I organized group orders, and I ended up being the only purchaser.
Regarding preparedness, it has been my experience that info from "just a sister" is often disregarded.
However, when the Bishop, the SP or HC instructed, there tended to be a greater response.
I had a wonderful Bishop that would request detailed outlines from me and would then present my material in a 5th Sunday. Oh, how different the response was from the bretheren when the Bishop did the talking.
Talk with your Bishop to discuss which approach he would suggest. Then implement that to the best of your ability. He will know the personal make-up of your ward and will have better insight as to how best to reach the men.
-Firesides devoted specifically to each EQ and HP group proved somewhat effective at getting their attention.
-Anything visual or gadgety... MRE's, Ammo, Fishing poles, buck knives.... seemed to stir up the most energy. If those things were on display while I was talking I knew that I could get their attention.
Talk with your leaders before you spin wheels on busy work that no one really wants.
The change has to come from the leadership. Then the Spirit will move the hearts of those that are willing to be moved.
I'll keep you in my prayers.
11-19-2010, 11:48 PM
Thank you for your replies. Keep them coming. I LOVE that quote, Mirk. I am definitely going to use it.
Regarding preparedness, it has been my experience that info from "just a sister" is often disregarded...
The change has to come from the leadership. Then the Spirit will move the hearts of those that are willing to be moved.
You're right--a pet peeve of mine. And it's not just preparedness. We have bishops in our stake who wouldn't support a service project that came from Public Affairs because the Stake PA person was a woman and therefor "not Stake Leadership."
I am the Stake Preparedness Specialist and have never done anything except at the direction of the SP. But even so, I had one bishop refuse to announce anything about the Preparedness Fair because it came from me and not the SP. :rolleyes (2):
So yeah, I know full well how little a woman's voice means to some leaders. Frustrating...
Our Stake Pres'y is very committed to Preparedness. The Stake RSP is also. But for some reason it isn't getting translated down to the wards. We did have one ward who asked me to come to their ward and talk in Sac Mtg and then give a lesson to the combine PH/RS. They also asked me to come teach a class at a mini-preparedness fair they put on. They were serious about it, but they are the only ones and that was almost 3 yrs ago.
As for the newsletter--I send it out by email only to those who've signed up for it. So no paper waste, no unsolicited newsletters. It goes to about 85-90 people in our stake. A couple wards also distribute it to the members in their wards, so there are probably another 10-15 who get it from their RSP instead of me. Every month I get 5-6 people who thank me for it and say that it was helpful, which is encouraging. So I know it's not ALL falling on deaf ears.
11-20-2010, 03:27 AM
All our emergency preparedness specialists are men. We had one lady for a couple of months.
Throw this quote out for starters:
Elder Marion G. Romney said,
“ Never forget this matter of providing for yourselves , even though you don't hear as much about it now as you did a few years ago. Remember that it is still a fundamental principle , one that has been taught the Saints ever since they came to these valleys of the mountains.”
Brothers and Sisters, the responsibility to prepare is our own. Brethren, as Priesthood holders we are to lead out in our home. It is our responsibility to care for our families. Our wives can support and assist us in this matter, but the Priesthood is the head of the home and is entrusted to lead. The responsibility to prepare lies within the individual family.
can I get source?
Our stake doesn't seem to have physical preparedness on he radar at all. The closest distribution center is at least a two day drive away. There are no stores with good bulk food stuffs. Months ago I tried to email the individual on the stake phone list that seemed as if they would have some info but I didn't receive a response. For months now I've been trying to get info and access to the stake canner. I am so frustrated. I know someone in the province must know and care about this stuff, but WHO. I am greatful our stake is focused on homes of holiness. But how do I get physically prepared too?
Maybe it doesn't matter anyway because we will all get wiped out in whatever event takes out Boston lol.
11-20-2010, 09:08 AM
the new church handbook talks about self reliance as our doctrine- surely not as RS enrichment stuff. there is plenty about it, have a look!
11-20-2010, 06:49 PM
can I get source?
It will take me a while. I pulled it out of my stake conference talk, so I will have to relocate the original source.
11-20-2010, 07:20 PM
Ok, did some research, the second paragraph is me paraphrasing from another talk. I will post it if I can find my original source.
This my paraphrasing, not Romney:
Brothers and Sisters, the responsibility to prepare is our own. Brethren, as Priesthood holders we are to lead out in our home. It is our responsibility to care for our families. Our wives can support and assist us in this matter, but the Priesthood is the head of the home and is entrusted to lead. The responsibility to prepare lies within the individual family.
11-22-2010, 05:54 PM
We are discussing ways to get the members to try gardening. Since we know they will never dig up the backyard and go "whole hog" with it, we are discussing a plan to assign different individuals to grow certain things. For instance, one elderly sister we have lives in a very small apartment. She couldn't grow a full garden, but she could grow some tomatoes in containers on her patio. Therefore, we would ask her to grow some tomatoes, and only tomatoes. We would assign another item to another member. We are thinking that perhaps if we can just get them to take baby steps, to grow just one item, then they will get a feel for what it like. We could hold a ward dinner once a month to eat the items they grew. They could share their experience and what they learned. This would give them insight into the amount of water needed, the kind of soil needed, the kind of bugs they would encounter, etc.
Another possibility might be to make some kind of priesthood vs relief society vs primary kind of thing. Everyone would be involved.
Just a thought....
11-22-2010, 06:01 PM
However, when the Bishop, the SP or HC instructed, there tended to be a greater response.
I had a wonderful Bishop that would request detailed outlines from me and would then present my material in a 5th Sunday. Oh, how different the response was from the bretheren when the Bishop did the talking.
Talk with your Bishop to discuss which approach he would suggest. Then implement that to the best of your ability. He will know the personal make-up of your ward and will have better insight as to how best to reach the men.
-Firesides devoted specifically to each EQ and HP group proved somewhat effective at getting their attention.
-Anything visual or gadgety... MRE's, Ammo, Fishing poles, buck knives.... seemed to stir up the most energy. If those things were on display while I was talking I knew that I could get their attention.
Talk with your leaders before you spin wheels on busy work that no one really wants.
These are all excellent ideas.
I think you can be effective without making the Bishop utter every word, as much as we'd like to have that happen, there are limits. I think that you need to be a salesman in a way. You need a hook, how do I grab the mens interest? Preside, provide, protect. Provident living dovetails very well with the role of a man in so many ways...
I would suggest that selling specifically to these roles will tend to get attention, especially the protect line as it presents immediate concerns even the more sleepy saints can relate to. Answer questions like how do I secure my home during unrest? How can I protect my family if they are scattered about in an emergency? What is effective in defending a home? Hands on stuff with gear, radios, first aid, carpentry, guns, kits, etc..
You can't focus exclusively on protection items, but they should be good draws and attention getters for most men. I would anticipate good attention and turnouts for well promoted activities in these directions. They are a little irregular I think, but that's all the better for piquing interest.
"How and when to board up your windows! ...and other effective ways to harden your home against humans and nature... [a few recent newstories to complete the sale]"
Once the hook is set, you need to present the food storage sal. Perhaps a small talk towards the end, a plus one subject with a few materials, not too long but long enough to be useful. I would address it from the most appealing side possible - the spiritual and logistical side of food storage. This is where I think you will get the best response from the men. I would minimize the preparation oriented item coverage, stick with logistics: quantities, storage methods, shelf life, shelving, space, suppliers, costs, inflation rates, dates and times for group savings, and of course, importance (like KEEPING YOUR BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN FROM STARVING), obedience, blessings, fullfiling the role of provider, and peace. I can't speak for all men, but these are the angles that most interest me. Oh, and the actual eating.
You don't have to run everything yourself, it would be great to find experts in your ward or on here the forum if anyone is localish, or your local CERT group, to run the actual activities/classes/stuff. Just put the pieces together, you may need to find locations other than the chapel - I might even recommend it to keep them more hands-on oriented though the sizes of groups you can handle are more limited this way.
A few ideas to think about...
11-22-2010, 06:08 PM
How about creating a master list for the bishop on who has chain saws, pick-up trucks, hand saws/tools, wheel barrows, etc.? That way, the bishop will know whom to call when an emergency arises.
We do the same in Relief Society with who has the large roasters, etc.
11-23-2010, 12:26 PM
How about creating a master list for the bishop on who has chain saws, pick-up trucks, hand saws/tools, wheel barrows, etc.? That way, the bishop will know whom to call when an emergency arises.
We do the same in Relief Society with who has the large roasters, etc. has some of this ability
11-23-2010, 04:14 PM has some of this ability
Yeah, but if the power is out, not much use. :heart:
I got a large wall map of the branch boundaries from the Church, and will start putting in stick pins of all the members homes. Then we'll decide how to best make contact with them using local runners that are contacted via radio (CB, FRS, ham, etc). I have a list of members with equipment and those that have medical needs too.
11-25-2010, 11:05 PM
Yeah, but if the power is out, not much use. :heart:
I got a large wall map of the branch boundaries from the Church, and will start putting in stick pins of all the members homes. Then we'll decide how to best make contact with them using local runners that are contacted via radio (CB, FRS, ham, etc). I have a list of members with equipment and those that have medical needs too.
true, but its a good starting point. and, not all emergencies will involve loss of power.
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