View Full Version : Food prices
11-30-2010, 03:20 PM
GB has made some comments recently about the likelihood of food prices going through the roof and I believe he set up some site where people can track prices. Have you people noticed anything?
One thing I've noticed is the price of the 5lb. sugar bags. Before Thanksgiving they were brought out to a middle aisle area of WalMart and listed as 4.18, like it was a big deal. I thought that was way high, though I couldn't recall what they "should" be. Just after Thanksgiving they went down to 3.18 :angry: and today I noticed they were 3.14. Weird.
Milk was 1.88 for a long time and now it's 1.98.
Haven't noticed much else that different.
11-30-2010, 03:41 PM
You know what I have noticed is that they are trying to hide the fact that prices are rising (I don't mean this in a conspiracy way, perhaps that is just how business works...but I don't like it.) For example, ice cream used to be $2.50 for 1/2 gallon, now you pay $2.50 for 1.5 quart. So you are paying the same but getting is so subtle though that you almost don't notice.
Our milk is at least $ seems to be going up also.
11-30-2010, 05:07 PM
They're not trying to hide it with King Crab legs!
11-30-2010, 05:12 PM
... So you are paying the same but getting is so subtle though that you almost don't notice....
I've noticed this too.
11-30-2010, 05:21 PM
Out here in the north east they simply have extremely high food costs.
Perhaps once we adjust to the sticker shock, we will be able to notice trends.
11-30-2010, 05:47 PM
We recently found some white sugar on sale at Macey's (and bought a bunch) for $3.95 for a 10 pound bag. Probably never see that again.
11-30-2010, 06:55 PM
What I have noticed is that sales really aren't all that good anymore. The price of fresh fruits and veggies have gone up and even at their peak only came down a little ie strawberries, 2 lbs for almost $5 whereas in the past you could get them for 1/2 that. Even potatoes have gone way up, a 10 lb bag a year ago was $1.59 to $1.99, now they're $2.99 and above. Milk here is $2.69 gal at most places. Canned veggies, used to be able to get them on sale for 4/$1, now it's 2/$1 regularly 79 cents to 99 cents a can.
Last year one of the local grocery chains had a sale where for every $25 you spent you could get a turkey for 27 cents a lb. Last year when we spent $50 we were able to get 2 turkeys on sale, we kept one and gave one away. This year there was a limit to 1 turkey for every purchase $25 and over, limit one per customer. We went back a couple of times.
11-30-2010, 08:51 PM
Watch the label on generic liquid bleach. Clorox is 6% sodium hypochlorite and some of the generics are too but I found one at Kohler's and one at Smith's that are only 3.75%. The labels on them are small print and mostly Spanish. I couldn't find any English on the one in Smith's today. Shall we say bleach scented water? :blush:
I filled the basket with the 6% generic today and Fixit thought that was strange till I explained.
The sugar bags that used to be five pounds are now four.
12-01-2010, 02:06 AM
Here in the frozen northern plains, the prices have been rising steadily for the last 6 months. Cans of Starkist tuna are no longer 6 ounces, they are 5 ounces and the price is up to 89 cents per can on sale. Kraft mayonnaise used to be in 32 ounce jars, now they are 30 ounce jars on sale for $1.99 with a limit of one. A generic frozen orange juice that we use went from $1.49 per can to $1.89 per can. At this time of the year, I used to be able to buy 4 pound bags of sugar for 99 cents on sale and no limit. This year, that same sized bag is on sale for $2.49 with no limit. The week before Thanksgiving, they were on sale for $1.29 for that same 4 pound bag, but you had to have the store coupon and there was a limit of 1 bag for that price.
I believe that we will see some decent sale prices in our area through the month of December, but after the first of the year, I believe the prices will skyrocket.
12-01-2010, 06:39 AM
Prices have been slowly climbing for a couple of years. I've been watching them looking to see if there is any sudden large spike. Haven't seen one yet, but I think one of these days that will happen.
12-01-2010, 09:19 AM
I just see the rising food prices like frogs in a water bath, the price will go up slightly on a regular basis while the size will go down. But it will be so subtle that the average person not really paying attention in the beginning will suddenly wake up when they realize they are paying $10 for a 4lb bag of sugar or better yet, $10 for their 12 pack of soda. In the end you still end up being boiled.
12-01-2010, 09:22 AM
The sugar bags that used to be five pounds are now four.
:shocked: Those fiends!!
Is there something happening after the first of the year that would affect food prices?
12-01-2010, 09:58 AM
:shocked: Those fiends!!
Is there something happening after the first of the year that would affect food prices?
the "food safety and modernization act" comes to mind.
12-01-2010, 10:07 AM
That hasn't passed the House, or did I miss something? Or are you saying just an overall feeling of insecurity that permeates the masses? Or are you saying tptb will use a different means to achieve the same end? Or something else entirely?
12-01-2010, 12:10 PM
The value of the dollar continues to deflate, and as it does, energy(oil), will in inverse direct proportion, go up. (Not because there is less oil, but the doillars influece is wilting)
Everything(well, almost everything) will be directly affected by the dollar.
I imagine the economy will follow a knee curve in the downward direction. Slightly down the slippery slope and then hit the knee and drop precipitously quick.
So food will track along with Dollar.
Drought or crop damage would exacerbate it.
12-01-2010, 01:55 PM
Retail prices will fluctuate for a number of reasons. I painfully recall how 2 yrs ago the prices of some of my regular items spiked due to $4 a gallon fuel. If we see high gas prices next year food will certainly go up.
(retailers seemed less hesitant to raise prices when they could plead transportation costs as a reason)
For a good feel for whats coming, keep your eye on commodities prices.
12-01-2010, 02:56 PM
:shocked: Those fiends!!
Is there something happening after the first of the year that would affect food prices?
There are conferences going on all over the world about serious food shortages...rice, wheat, corn, etc. The prices of these commodities are soaring. The U.S. no longer has grain or other food stored. Many experts expect the situation to be dire in 2011.
Food companies have held off passing on all of the price of their rising costs, but this can't go on much longer. In the meantime, cereal, ice cream and other boxes get smaller, while the price stays the same or creeps up. As you may have noticed, the price of produce is going up fast.
We're paying $3.69 for a gal. of milk here. 5 pound sugar bags are long a thing of the past. Just added to my storage with a 25 lb. bag from the cannery yesterday. $9.25, but a price change is due anytime there.
Took the cousin's husband up there yesterday. He had a $900-plus bulk order for him and two friends. I mentioned to the cannery director that the whole order was for non-members. She told me that most of their business was now with non-members. Most members are still in denial or la-la land.
I would suggest that we think about our Christmas giving this year, and try to help our non-prepared relatives (and ourselves) by giving storage items. We're planning to give hand wheat grinders to two daughters, along with bucket openers. We take basic storage food buckets to our two younger daughters whenever we visit them. We took a big load up to our Tennessee girl last week. She has always tried to build her food storage, but has been in a very difficult situation for some time that has turned much more difficult lately. She still has 6 children at home, so we're just grateful that we have food to share.
One useful site that keeps abreast of food production and other things that may affect us is: , and another good prep site is . Survival Blog has articles each day from preppers and others, some of which are more useful than others. The blogger is a Christian anti-Mormon, but I'll take good advice where I can find it! :drool:
Noahs ARK
12-01-2010, 04:33 PM
We're paying $3.89 for a gallon of Food Lion milk. It's $4.39 for Purity.
My niece is getting food storage from us for her wedding present in January. She actually asked people for storage or gift cards for Emergency Essentials - smart girl!!
Her fiance isn't LDS, but he's right there with her regarding prepping - thank goodness!
12-02-2010, 12:53 AM
That hasn't passed the House, or did I miss something?...
it hasn't passed yet, but it did pass the Senate. the house is saying its DOA, but we'll see.
01-06-2011, 12:09 PM
Gas just dropped another 2 cents to 2.65 where I am. Haven't noticed much change in food to speak of.
I don't see how inflation could work with so many people short on money and/or out of work.
01-06-2011, 12:34 PM
Gas just dropped another 2 cents to 2.65 where I am. Haven't noticed much change in food to speak of.
I don't see how inflation could work with so many people short on money and/or out of work.
VAlue of the Dollar also works into the equation....
All other things can remain steady and if the dollar tanks, prices will go up.
01-06-2011, 01:41 PM
Gas just dropped another 2 cents to 2.65 where I am.
:d0 (54):We are at 3.21 for mid-grade here.
That's the beauty of this economic mess, inflation shows no mercy. Those already struggling will only see their hardships become worse.
01-06-2011, 02:43 PM
We are at 3.21 for mid-grade here.
I bet you don't even pump your own gas. :l0 (51):
01-06-2011, 03:40 PM
This is true.:l0 (48):
But only because it is illegal to do so.
The exception is diesel. And I give quite a lot of thought to that. :auto:
01-06-2011, 09:25 PM
I was in Costco today. A lot of prices were way higher. I hope it is temporary.
01-06-2011, 09:38 PM
Prices are up at the cannery also. The biggest jump was the hot cocoa mix, up $10.40 on a 25lb bag from $23.10 to $$33.50. Only the dried beans, black, pinto and white, went down, everything else is up.
02-01-2011, 11:36 AM
Gas has gone up 14cents in the last two weeks.
02-07-2011, 08:59 PM
I just talked to a manager at a local food storage supply store (they sell bulk) and he said that many of their prices will be doubling on Monday...for instance wheat that is $20 for 50 pounds today will be $40 on Monday of next week. I don't believe this will be the case at other stores unless they hear and follow suit...but this store has just pretty much run out of product and so is now having to restock at current prices. They were out of 25 of the "line items" on Friday and spent all this morning just trying to get some product back on their shelves. They said that they expect oats to go up the most in the near future.
A second food storage store said that they have seen increasing prices lately, particularly in the last two weeks. That they are out of several items currently and have had a hard time staying in stock with oats and barley. FWIW
Noahs ARK
02-07-2011, 09:46 PM
I received an e-mail from one of my food storage stores last week. They're warning their customers that their prices are going up, up, up.
My other storage place has had my Yoder's bacon on back-order, ETA unknown.
Another place cancelled my relatively small order due to shortages.
02-08-2011, 12:30 AM
the food storage place we buy from is out of powder egg and won't get any for the foreseeable future.
02-08-2011, 09:21 AM
Gas jumped up here 20cents in the last week.
I used the Winco ad at Wal-Mart a few times this last week... bacon for 98cents, yeah!
NoahsArk-- Are you serious?? :shocked:
It may be a good idea to read:
Executive Order 10998 (
We all can be construed criminals.... it just takes the swipe of a pen.
02-08-2011, 09:57 AM
Where's the criminal part? Sounds like if there's an emergency, they are going to put plans in place to protect food and get it out to the people... what am I missing?
hat am I missing? It means they (TPTB) can confiscate your storage/goods and redistribute it as they like.
02-08-2011, 10:56 AM
Could you point that part out, cuz I missed that.
02-08-2011, 01:01 PM
How do you get private property out of that? And have these plans and programs ever been developed? Looks like this was something from Kennedy... anything ever come of it?
The point is that it's so open that they can do anything they wish. That's how it's written... IMNO.
Noahs ARK
02-08-2011, 03:15 PM
NoahsArk-- Are you serious?? :shocked:
Dead serious.
I see Emergency Essentials has Yoder's bacon back in their catalog this month. But it's $13.50 per can. I was paying $11.50 for it just a few months ago, I think.
Noahs ARK
02-08-2011, 03:20 PM
It may be a good idea to read:
Executive Order 10998 (
We all can be construed criminals.... it just takes the swipe of a pen.
My mom & I were just talking about this awhile back. She was warning me that all our food could be confiscated if things get rough.
It wouldn't be hard to track us down, either. Even tho I send a check or money order with my orders, these places still have our names & addresses.
Wonder if they'd dig up my yard looking for hidden Food Graves. :sosp:
02-08-2011, 05:17 PM
Regardless, it would only take an executive order to confiscate food storage and garden crops for "the greater good."
Noahs ARK
02-09-2011, 02:34 PM
My other storage place has had my Yoder's bacon on back-order, ETA unknown.
Update ~ It arrived today, so it was on backorder for 1 month.
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