View Full Version : Shelf Reliance

12-31-2010, 04:20 PM
I know that many of you in Utah have a lot of sources for food storage but those of us not there must do what we can.

I became a Shelf Reliance consultant in my area (Colorado) a few months back and it has been great! Not only am I able to help others find a source for high quality and great tasting food storage, which was my motivation for becoming a consultant, but have been able to increase my own preps both in food and other items as a wonderful side benefit all while getting paid to do it.

You may have heard of, or even own, rotating shelving from Shelf Reliance. Did you know they also carry a line of Food Storage products? Both the basics of grains and legumes but also a large variety of dehydrated and freeze dried foods that can be used every day. These are high quality foods and they provide several ways to taste and purchase these foods for your food storage.

I am able to offer everyone the best price available etc. If you are interested in getting 5-45% off the retail prices posted on the website http://www.shelfreliance.com/all-products/thrive-foods.html (http://www.shelfreliance.com/all-products/thrive-foods.html) or are interested in becoming a consultant in your area and getting paid while building your food storage, much of what you can get at ½ off, let me know. The areas outside of Utah are ripe for a booming business. I have only been doing this since August and have 150 customers. It is not just for members either, many of my customers are nonmembers.

If you want to do a party or a catalog party let me know and you can earn ½ price and FREE items. It does not matter where you live because it ships directly to you.
They have a great monthly auto ship program that is free and you can get shipments from your wish list monthly according to your budget. It is a great tool for those who want to steadily build their storage every month. If you want more info on this let me know.

Like I said those in Utah have probably already been exposed to this company but for those of you who haven’t I am happy to share it with you.

Cindy Witte
Independent Shelf Reliance/Thrive Foods consultant
[email protected]

Noahs ARK
12-31-2010, 04:23 PM
I love Shelf Reliance and have ordered from them at least twice.

I'm pm'ing you my info.
