View Full Version : Plague cures
04-08-2008, 01:00 PM
I think we will see many more cures or "cures" for the bird flu and other plagues in the next year or two.
Here are a few more that have come to my attention: ( Defense see other thread.
Oil of Renown
I was told that Sarah Menet helped with the formulation of this oil to help with the plagues of the future. Don't quote me on this I would strongly suggest you check this out before purchasing. I heard about it at Sarah's lecture from
[email protected] (
[email protected])
Dr. Christopher Anti-plague (
au'wakening and other mlm type products...big debates on whether they are effective with strong emotions both ways
a friend in Hawaii is developing a product
transfer factor could be something that they develop if they can get the blood of healthy chickens how have had the disease
Other things I have heard to buy for various reasons related to future plagues:
Wild oregano oil - from dreams (most hope and believe inspired)
Many essential oils
Grape Seed Extract
Vitamin C
Cayenne powder
With the many, many more products in the works that will be posted over the next year or two on this site to help with or cure plagues, we could get pretty poor! I would caution myself as well as everyone else to be careful in their "health" purchases. Pray about what your family needs and don't get something unless you feel strongly that you should. Families can go broke quickly if they try to have every cure for whatever could be out there...
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04-08-2008, 01:53 PM
I agree on a healthy amount of skepticism where the claims of supplements are concerned. IMO, a family would do well to cut way down on their intake of known harmful "junk" foods and ingredients, while increasing whole foods as much as possible before resorting to expensive health supplements. Cook from scratch for a month or two - and see what that does for your family's health. Once you are eating as healthy as you possibly can, then you can more accurately gauge your need for extra help with immune issues.
04-08-2008, 05:49 PM
I have used Dr. Christophers Anti-plague and found it takes a longer than shultz's formula.
I have used Dr. Schultz's formula and had results right away without waiting. It kicked whatever ailed me right now. Its hot to and made fresh.
04-08-2008, 09:55 PM
I have used Dr. Christophers Anti-plague and found it takes a longer than shultz's formula.
I have used Dr. Schultz's formula and had results right away without waiting. It kicked whatever ailed me right now. Its hot to and made fresh.
I have used Dr. Christophers anti-plague & love it. I have never used Dr. Schultz's formula, but have heard the same thing that you said about it.
2 years ago I made several batches of the anti-plague. A recipe came out that was stronger & added ingredients. I also had my husband bless it. Where can you get Dr. Schultz's formula?
I also love the GSE. In fact I love all of the herbs. Oops here I go again needing the 12 step program for addiction. I forgot that I wasn't just addicted to preparedness. But, of course having herbs on hand to me is part of the preparedness.
04-08-2008, 10:42 PM
With the many, many more products in the works that will be posted over the next year or two on this site to help with or cure plagues, we could get pretty poor! I would caution myself as well as everyone else to be careful in their "health" purchases. Pray about what your family needs and don't get something unless you feel strongly that you should. Families can go broke quickly if they try to have every cure for whatever could be out there...
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I agree with Charsee. It took me months of research and study on Defense, before I would even think of advocating it.
There's alot of choices out there, and more to come. Before you purchase anything, do your homework, consider each ingredient and the Scientific research done on it, ask questions, then pray. Doing this will save your health and your pocketbook!
04-09-2008, 04:25 PM
You mix up a batch of Dr. Schultz's stuff and see for yourself. It is the best stuff and hits her right on the head good. I used both last time I was sick and Schultz on the first use out did the other right there. I have not had it fail even once and I have made and love it. Right now I am out of it oh shoot.
04-09-2008, 09:18 PM
You mix up a batch of Dr. Schultz's stuff and see for yourself. It is the best stuff and hits her right on the head good. I used both last time I was sick and Schultz on the first use out did the other right there. I have not had it fail even once and I have made and love it. Right now I am out of it oh shoot.
Do you have a recipe for Dr. Schultz formula? If so could you share it.
04-10-2008, 06:22 AM
I have used Dr. Schultze's formula also. It works for me. I do use Dr. Christopher's formulas as well. Dr. Schultze, as I understand was a student of Dr. Christopher's. Dr. Schultze took Dr. C's formulas and beefed them up with cayenne. There is a reason for doing that. You can do internet searches on their formulas and can find them written out. Actually you can buy a book that has all of Dr. C's formulas written out. I give url's in my other thread on herbs.
04-12-2008, 09:04 PM
04-12-2008, 09:20 PM
Avian Flu.
Georgetown Medical School did an independent controlled experiment on an essential oil blend called "Spice of Life". This is a formulation of 13 essential oils.
Georgetown put 50,000 bacterium of avian flu into a chamber and then added the Spice of Life blend.
Within 20 minutes this blend "controlled" and "Killed" the avian flu.
(This information does not come from a published source.)
04-12-2008, 09:48 PM
Any ideas on the best type of flu masks.
I imagine if a terrible flu really becomes a public concern they might be hard to find.
Which ones would you work best and/or are most affordable and effective and how many for each person?
04-13-2008, 04:07 PM
Spice of LIfe blend has the following oils;
-Black Cumin Seed
-Cinnamon bark
-Thyme ( of Life -10 ml BEST SELLER!
It was during the 14th and 15th century plagues that the traders of spices became thieves. They robbed the dead and dying bodies and demonstrated immunity through their spices that apparently protected them. Use Spice of Life for immune system support.
Ingredients: Proprietary blend of 100% pure, premium-grade, Cinnamon and other organic and wild-crafted supporting oils from around the world. E.O.B.B.D. Certified
$35.95 Special Pricing Only $28.95
04-13-2008, 04:08 PM
I believe these people used to work with the Youngs and got many of their oils from the same places but are not MLM so are cheaper. Supposedly he left because he wanted to find better products. They are out of Lehi.
Spice Traders ( May support the immune system, protecting against colds, flu, viruses, candida, bacteria, infections, sore throat, gum disease, and assists in pulling splinters to the surface of skin. Caution: oil may be "hot".
Click on Spice Traders above and it will tell you more about their product.
I believe they also have a 60 ml bottle that is cheaper than buying it in the 10 ml.
04-13-2008, 09:45 PM
I believe these people used to work with the Youngs and got many of their oils from the same places but are not MLM so are cheaper. Supposedly he left because he wanted to find better products. They are out of Lehi.
Spice Traders ( May support the immune system, protecting against colds, flu, viruses, candida, bacteria, infections, sore throat, gum disease, and assists in pulling splinters to the surface of skin. Caution: oil may be "hot".
Click on Spice Traders above and it will tell you more about their product.
I believe they also have a 60 ml bottle that is cheaper than buying it in the 10 ml.
Charsee, the company that you reference here is Native Health. I have had an account with them for a looooong time and can speak as to the purity of their oils as well as their efficacy. The time may very well come in the future that my family's health and well-being, maybe their very lives, will depend on the choices that I make now for what products to use and store. Native Health oils are all wildcrafted or organic and are absolute top of the line therapeutic grade. There are a few other name brands that I love and trust besides Native Health, but this is one that I can also AFFORD!
The company is moving toward an MLM model, but their prices will still be far lower than its competitors. Some of us who already have business accounts with them are being grandfathered in, however. I order twice a month and purchase in large enough volume that I can pass along a nice discount. On another forum, I have offered members a 20% discount on essential oils and would be happy to do the same for members here at ( As an aside, Native Health has recently moved their offices to Missouri from Utah.
Regarding getting a better pricing on a larger size of Spice Traders, here's how it works. A 15-ml bottle of Spice Traders retails for $25.00 ($20.00 with my 20% discount) and a 60-ml bottle price is calculated by taking $25.00 x 3.5 for a total of $87.50 retail ($70.00 with discount). At the discounted price of $70.00, this makes the equivalent of six 10-ml bottles for only $11.67 each, which is the size bottle that the competition uses. :)
04-13-2008, 10:49 PM
Someone I respect that has studied herbal medicine did some research on bird flu a few years ago, she said I could post it with the disclaimer that this was done a while ago and there is newer information regarding this that she has not shared yet:
I have been researching H5N1 for a few months. My area of interest is prevention and treating with herbs. Of course quarentine and other preventive measures, such as masks and gloves if exposure cannot be helped, are common sense.
In many diseases (including H5N1 in humans), a "cytokine storm" is triggered by the infection. Cytokines are hormones that regulate the immune sytem. When released at the right time in the proper amounts, cytokines can help fight infections and regulate processes through out the body. Most of the research into the H5N1 virus suggests that this virus actually overstimulates the immune system, and that the body kills itself while trying to eliminate the avian flu infection. For this aspect of the virus I have on hand Turmeric, a well documented herbal anti-inflamitory and a formula called Immucalm. Immucalm is made simply of two herbs, Astragulas and Marshmallow. Astragulas alone stimulates the immune system, but the combination calms it. Immucalm is used very successfully for allergies.
Absorption of the curcumin in Turmeric can be increased when co-administered with piperine (a compound found in various species of pepper, including the black pepper found in most kitchens). I keep whole black pepper corns and will grind it fresh when needed.
The cytokines also increase production of reactive oxygen compounds (free radicals) that further the inflammation. Increasing our anti-oxident intake now and keeping it at a high level will increase our chances of being able to figt this virus if infected. Fruits and vegetables with intense color are high in anti-oxidents, as are many herbal teas. Some of the most notable are blueberry, bilberry, chokeberry, green tea and rooibus tea.
There has been much talk about Tamiflu and the possibility that it can curb the reproduction of the H5N1 virus. Tamiflu works by inhibiting an enzyme called neuraminidase. There are natural neuramidase inhibitors found in plants: the most widely studied is a compound called 5,7,4'-trihydroxy-8-methoxyflavone, which is found in the herb Scutellaria (commonly called skullcap). Another neuaminidase inhibitor is the chemical resveratrol. In addition to inhibiting neuraminidase, resveratrol also sends a message to cells to stop manufacturing viruses. Resveratrol is a compound found in large amounts in red wine, grape seeds, and Japanese knotweed. James Duke's site lists grape leaves as the highest source of resveratrol.
There are many good anti-viral herbs to choose from to add to the above potential therapies. I will list only a few of my favorites. Garlic (fresh or oil), St. Johns Wort, Tea tree oil (as a steam inhaler or mixed with a carrier oil and rubbed into the lower chest and back).
There are many sites on the web that offer alternative therapy for H5N1. Here is one of the best I have seen. It has citations and numerous links. (
This list of substances to avoid when dealing with H5N1 is from the Bird Flu Survival Guide. (
I have seen similar lists and reasoning from other sources.
The following substances may be best to avoid during a H5N1 pandemic
Elderberry juice (Sambucal) - Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6. This substance is very effective against the common flu but may not be desirable for the H5N1 Bird Flu virus. Increases in these cytokines may trigger a lethal cytokine storm. (Isr Med Journal2002 Nov;4:944-6)
Micro Algae (Chlorella and Spirulina) - Increases production of cytokine TNF-a (Pubmed PMID 11731916)
Honey - Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6 (Pubmed PMID12824009)
Chocolate - Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6 (Pubmed PMID 12885154, PMID 1091792****.com/forum/images/smilies/icon_cool.gif
Echinacea - Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6. Although it is often used for normal flu, research shows that it may increase the chance of cytokine storms for H5N1 (Pubmed PMID 15556647, 9568541)
Kimchi - Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6 (Pubmed PMID15630182)
Dairy products & Bananas - These foods increase mucous production
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04-14-2008, 04:53 PM
That spice of life is wonderful to say the least!!!!!!! to me there is no better blend on the market.
Dr. Schutlz can be found at
He has a batch of good information with a clinic and years of experience with it.
08-12-2008, 12:33 PM
I have used Dr. Christophers Anti-plague and found it takes a longer than shultz's formula.
I have used Dr. Schultz's formula and had results right away without waiting. It kicked whatever ailed me right now. Its hot to and made fresh.
Which formula?
There has been much talk about Tamiflu and the possibility that it can curb the reproduction of the H5N1 virus. Tamiflu works by inhibiting an enzyme called neuraminidase.
There are many good anti-viral herbs to choose from to add to the above potential therapies. I will list only a few of my favorites. Garlic (fresh or oil), St. Johns Wort, Tea tree oil (as a steam inhaler or mixed with a carrier oil and rubbed into the lower chest and back).
I saw on a DVD about the Avian Flu that Tamiflu had proven not to be effective. Also, St. JOhns Wart will add to depression because it increases serotonin...which is not what you want. You want to metabolize
That spice of life is wonderful to say the least!!!!!!! to me there is no better blend on the market.
Dr. Schutlz can be found at
He has a batch of good information with a clinic and years of experience with it.
I went to the website. Could you give the exact link to the formula
09-06-2008, 07:38 PM
By Erik L. Goldman
Editor in Chief, Holistic Primary Care
Score a few more points for oregano oil.
Long recognized in traditional botanical medicine as an ally in preventing and treating infectious diseases, especially common colds and respiratory infections, oregano oil is proving effective in inhibiting and eradicating a number of human viruses.
The latest in a series of preclinical studies by Dr. M. Khalid Ijaz shows that wild oregano oil alone, and in combination with the oils of cumin, sage, and cinnamon, can markedly reduce the virulence of human influenza virus A2. This study follows earlier experiments showing that these two products can completely block replication of human coronavirus, the pathogen associated with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
To test the efficacy of these medicinal oils against influenza, Dr. Ijaz added 0.5 ml of viral inoculum containing human influenza virus A to solutions containing 1 % concentrations of the herbal oils, both of which are made by Physician's Strength, a company specializing in medicinal oils from Mediterranean herbs. The viral cultures were exposed to the medicinal oils for varying time periods ranging from 2 to 20 minutes and then inoculated into embryonated chicken eggs (a common medium ih viral virulence tests). Exposure of the virus to the wild oregano oil for 10 minutes reduced the number of viable infectious particles from 10 million per ml. to 100,000 per ml. A 20-minute exposure further reduced the number to just under 15,00O per ml.
The combination of oils (oregano, sage, cumin and cinnamon) showed similar antiviral effects; a 10 minute exposure to a 1 % dilution of this combination reduced viral counts from 10,000,000 infectious units per ml to 177,827 infectious units per ml. A 20 minute exposure reduced the counts to under 5,000 per ml. The P73 oregano oil and Oregacillin combination were also able to eradicate avian influenza virus as well, though this required a higher concentration.
A member of the Lamiaceae family of plants indigenous to the Mediterranean region, oregano contains high concentrations of phenols, including a compound called carvacrol. Previous research has shown wild oil of oregano to be bacteriostatic and fungistatic against a number of human pathogens, including Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus.
Dr. Ijaz and his colleagues at Microbiotest, a contract research microbiology lab in Sterling, VA, are the first team to show that these oils can inhibit human viral pathogens.
09-19-2008, 10:42 PM
I really wish I could know if all this stuff about Oregano Oil is true. I have some, just in case.
I have used Dr. Christophers Anti-plague and found it takes a longer than shultz's formula.
I have used Dr. Schultz's formula and had results right away without waiting. It kicked whatever ailed me right now. Its hot to and made fresh.
Dr Shulze studied under Dr. Christopher but when he went out on his own he made the formulas stronger. He said it was because people were eating worse and doing worse things to their bodies so they needed something stronger. He seems to me to be very conceited but his stuff seems to work so DH and I keep buying it. We're planning to use his stuff for our juice fast.
Charsee, the company that you reference here is Native Health. I have had an account with them for a looooong time and can speak as to the purity of their oils as well as their efficacy. ... Native Health oils are all wildcrafted or organic and are absolute top of the line therapeutic grade. There are a few other name brands that I love and trust besides Native Health, but this is one that I can also AFFORD!
The company is moving toward an MLM model, but their prices will still be far lower than its competitors. Some of us who already have business accounts with them are being grandfathered in, however. I order twice a month and purchase in large enough volume that I can pass along a nice discount. ... As an aside, Native Health has recently moved their offices to Missouri from Utah.
I went to an emotional release class put on by the owner of Native Health. It was awesome! A big chunk of me was healed. I have since bought a couple of their kits. I, also, have noticed that their prices are lower than other places and that their oils seem much better quality. I also bought some of their single essential oils in case of plague or disease. I looked in the catalog where it says what the oils are good for and bought according to that info (plus some oregano oil). I have not yet tried defense.
12-16-2008, 09:25 PM
What's an emotional release class? Cuz what I'm picturing - wow - I'm sure it must be way off. :001_ssuprised::w00t:
12-17-2008, 07:38 AM
I agree that Dr. Schulze can be over the top, but his formulas are great. I buy both Dr. Schulz and Dr. Christopher's formulas. And if you are open to making your own, you can find their recipes online or in books.
thor, they are great. I have often thought that the only reason he has survived the onslaught against him is because he thinks so highly of himself. A lesser man might have gotten "legally punched" into silence or annihilation. Dr. Christopher was persecuted also. He was such a gentle man as far as I can tell. (I wish I had known about his school when I lived in northern Utah). I make most of my own tinctures. Much less expensive. The formulas are in a Dr. Christopher book I have but they often don't give the amounts. Dr. Shulze gives the amounts even though some of his formulas are a bit different.
What's an emotional release class? Cuz what I'm picturing - wow - I'm sure it must be way off. :001_ssuprised::w00t:
Well, you start off by diffusing an oil called Balance. I think we also put it on our ankles. Then one of the ladies (there were two - one was the owner and one was a lady in our ward who works with her quite often) reads the benefits of the oil and you say you accept those benefits and express gratitude. You put on a few other oils, going through the same process of hearing the benefits, accepting, and saying thank you.
After this, you separate into groups (if you're doing the class - you can also ask for a private session - all of this does cost something btw). Anyway, groups of two. One sits in a chair with eyes closed while the partner stands nearby and holds two open bottles of essential oil under the seated one's nose. The seated one is asked to focus on a part of the body that hurts - either physically or emotionally.
Then the person finds an emotional word to describe that pain (lonely, anger, deserted, etc.). Breathing in, blowing air out, repeating the word until the emotions come to a crescendo and it is released. It may be minor or it may be like mine that ended with me shaking and feeling very strange afterwards - but much more peaceful in the days that followed. The person standing is to provide emotional support and to suggest words if the seated person is not sure of what to say. After that, they trade places.
The lady is a Native American Healer and these oils are called "liquid copals." In my experience, they are very powerful. I have found, though, that I prefer to do the emotional release alone in my own home so I bought a kit and a book and went to another class so I'd have more experience. It really works - at least for me.
12-17-2008, 02:15 PM
Hmm... sounds interesting. Almost sounds like it's against the rules, though.
It is interesting. They say you release the emotions when you blow out. It really seems to work at bringing buried feelings up.
12-17-2008, 10:24 PM
Blowing? That is crazy. Cuz guess what?! My 4yo that has a major temper - very intense kid - I told him to make a circle with his hands and blow through it and he'd feel so much better. It just popped in my head and I thought it would kind of diffuse the tension. I said, "Really! The bad stuff goes right out your body!" Now we say if someone is getting worked up, "Do you need to blow a circle?" It's kinda funny.
See, that is really interesting. Kinda New Agey... like it feels like I'm "substituting" the gospel somehow... I know all Truth is circumscribed into one great whole, however...
Yeah, it is kind of New Agey. I wasn't sure about the whole thing, but nothing bad happened. I did feel very uncomfortable doing it again around other people though.
But if the Spirit told you to use "blowing" to help your kid then maybe there really is something to it releasing emotions and getting them out of your system.
04-26-2009, 09:17 PM
Here is a thread with some research that I did some time ago on cures.
Most recently I have bought Elderberry Extract and vitamin D drops (Carlson's)...both are supposed to be good for flu. Elderberry I have read is not a preventive but helps once the flu is evident. Supplementation of Vitamin D is supposed to help your immune system...particularly if you haven't spent much time out doors during the middle of the day. Vitamin C can also be very helpful for some flus. This is probably D2 instead of D3 which is better.
Here is some elderberry extract that looks good?
If you don't have both types of fever reducers "aspirin", a good working thermometer, nose tissue, and a humidifier with some tea tree oil to go into the water if might be a good time to get it...before people panic. Some "puppy" training pads could come in handy as well as a bed pan for those who are very sick.
Make sure you have broth makings and or other simple foods people can eat who are sick.
For protection some eye wear to protect eyes may also be good along with gloves and masks. I remember a product called "Pureworks" that is supposed to kill germs up to four hours that get on your hands...I can't vouch for the effectiveness of this product.
04-26-2009, 09:31 PM
Oral Rehydration Solution - Flu
<hr style="color: rgb(209, 209, 225); background-color: rgb(209, 209, 225);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> The Oral Rehydration Solution
Dehydration, and severe diarrheal disease, particularly among children in the third world, is a massive killer. Recognizing this threat, more than 25 years ago the WHO (World Health Organization) came up with what is now called ORS, or an Oral Rehydration Solution.
Hundreds of millions of sachets, or packets of this powder, are shipped each year to various third world countries, and there is no doubt that their use has greatly decreased the loss of life due to cholera, dysentery, and other diseases.
In a Flu Pandemic, the need for ORS will be great throughout the world. In western societies, where modern medical care is common, IV?s are generally used instead of ORS. There are economic and psychological reasons for this, although many doctors argue that ORS would be just as effective for the majority of patients.
Dehydration, from a prolonged bout of flu; with it?s fever, vomiting, and diarrhea, can easily kill patients that might have otherwise survived the virus. As IV?s may well be in short supply, or simply unavailable during a pandemic, the use of ORS may well be the most beneficial treatment that most patients can receive. Certainly, with home care being the most likely venue for most patients, ORS will play a large role in the tratement of pandemic flu.
There are, however, conflicting opinions as to what constitutes the proper formula for making your own ORS. All formulas use a base of sugar and salt, in an appropriate ratio. Some formulas, however, add potassium and Sodium Bicarbonate.
A little Biochemistry
When the human body becomes dehydrated, it loses both water and essential electrolytes, particularly sodium. This condition can quickly become life threatening.
In the human body, fluids tend to move from a less salty environment to the saltier one. As an example, if someone drowns in fresh water, the water in the lungs is less salty than the blood, and so this water is quickly absorbed from the lungs into the surrounding tissues. If a person drowns in salt water, the water in the lungs is saltier than the blood, and so additional fluid is pulled into the lungs to `dilute? the salt water. In other words, the body tries to balance both sides of the equation.
This is an important concept when dealing with rehydration therapy.
Ingesting plain water does not help restore the salt content of the body. But ingesting water with too much salt will draw fluids from the body, and make the dehydration worse.
While many believe the exact ratios of sugar and salt to be writ in stone, the truth is, if you have to err, err on the side of less salt.
Sugar is added to the ORS solution for two reasons. First, it was discovered in the early 1960?s that sugar helped with the transport of fluids across the cellular membranes in the bowel. In 1977, the British Medical Journal Lancet called this `possibly the most important medical discovery of the 20th century?.
Sugar also provides needed calories, and as a carbohydrate, can help prevent ketoacidosis from occurring.
But, as with salt, too much sugar can be detrimental, it can promote diarrhea, and make the loss of fluids worse.
This is one concern regarding the use of sports drinks, such as gatoraid, for rehydration therapy. Many of these commercially available mixtures simply have too much sugar.
Making your own ORS
The bottom line, of course, is how to make a cheap, safe, and effective ORS powder yourself.
The simplest formula is 3 Tablespoons of sugar, and 1 teaspoon of salt, dissolved in 1 quart of potable water.
An alternative simple formula is 8 teaspoons of sugar, and 1 teaspoon of salt, dissolved in 1 quart of potable water.
This basic formula has been used effectively for more than 30 years by WHO, UNICEF, and other relief agencies and has saved millions of lives.
Over the past year, there has been some debate over the amount of salt and sugar in this formula. The old formula certainly works, and is safe. But some doctors have argued that a lower salt and sugar level might reduce fluid loss by curbing diarrhea.
I?ve elected to create single-serve packets of ORS powder, with each packet designed to be added to 1 liter of water. Two packets would be used for a 2-liter bottle.
I?ve located small, reclosable baggies, called bagettes sold at Michaels Art Supplies. You will find them in the bead section. Snack sized baggies, though lighter gauge plastic, would work as well. The small 2?x3? bagettes are just a little too small for the amount of powder required. You will need to go to the next size up, which are 3?x5?.
Along with these baggies, you will need table salt and sugar. I am electing to use non-iodized salt, although I am not aware of any reason why iodized salt would present a problem. The only other things you will need are measuring spoons and a felt tipped marker.
Into each baggie I am placing 3 TABLESPOONS of Sugar, and 1 TEASPOON of salt. These do not need to be mixed. I am writing on each Baggie ?ORS POWDER- ADD TO 1 LITER OF WATER?.
This is the basic formula recommended by Dr. Grattan Woodson in his GOOD HOME TREATMENT OF INFLUENZA guide.
In his home medical guide, Dr. Woodson writes:
"Preventing or treating dehydration in people with flu will save more lives than any other intervention during the influenza pandemic."
Identification of dehydration
When patients have a fever, vomiting, and/or diarrhea, they lose much more water from the body than is commonly appreciated. Symptoms of dehydration include weakness, dizziness, headache, confusion, and fainting. Signs of dehydration include dryness of the mouth, decreased saliva, lack of or very small urine volume that is dark and highly concentrated, sunken eyes, loss of skin elasticity, low blood pressure, especially upon sitting up or rising from the sitting to the standing position, and fast pulse rate, especially when moving from the lying to sitting or standing positions
You may elect to add a flavoring to this mixture. Unsweetened Koolaid would add flavor and color, and make the drink more palatable to some. It might, however, prove to be an intestinal irritant to some people. I intend to leave mine unflavored, and will add koolaid to individual liters of solution if desired.
For roughly $15 here in the United States, you can buy 400 bagettes, 15 pounds of sugar, and a couple of pounds of salt, and have enough supplies on hand to make 100 gallons of ORS. Personally, I intend to make up at least 600 packets, so I will have plenty to hand out to neighbors who might need them.
I am figuring that a patient, over a week or two, might require as much as 10 gallons of ORS solution. For most adults, ingesting 3 to 4 liters a day would not be excessive. Patients that are very ill, may only be able to take a teaspoon at a time, but every attempt should be made to force fluids.
At 15 cents a gallon, the price is right. And for someone who is dehydrated, having this solution on hand can be lifesaving.
You should never attempt to force fluids by mouth on anyone who is unconscious. An eye dropper may be used to slowly infuse liquids in semi conscious pateints but there is a risk of choking.
Better to dilute this powder too much, than too little. DO NOT SKIMP ON THE WATER.
For more complete information on oral rehydration fluids visit the Healthlink Worldwide webpage at
04-26-2009, 10:42 PM
That's great. I'm going to get some of those mini-Ziploc bags tomorrow and make me some mixes. I wonder if a little food coloring added at the end would hurt anything? To entice the kiddo's to drink more...??
05-04-2009, 09:58 AM
There is a new kind of Silver product that is supposed to be quite amazing it is called Silver Sol, or ASAP or Silver Biotics cream and liquid. It is supposed to be able to heal many things that "untreatable" quickly. I can not verify this personally, but they have a lot of scientific study of thier product. The best price I have found is here...
More info from these sites... (search for "virus")
Some of the things it can do...
Proven to prevent contracting H5N1 (avian flu) if orally administered for a week before exposure (USU report dated March 28, 2006).
Scientifically proven to kill a long list of pathogens
Found to keep water storage bacteria free for 6+ years.
05-04-2009, 10:23 AM
To buy from same source (can also be found on Amazon):
Lucky also has herbs, etc.
05-04-2009, 10:25 AM
I also bought for flu: (see post #15)
Herb Pharm Turmeric Extract - 1 oz. (
Item #: 090800000362
Good 'N Natural Turmeric Curcumin - 60 Capsules (
Item #: 698138154179
Source Naturals Bioperine Black Pepper Fruit Extract 10 Mg - 60 Tablets (
Item #: 021078006435
(Bioperene helps the turmeric work better)
Nature's Answer Skullcap Herb Alcohol Free - 1 oz. (
Item #: 083000006722
Country Life Resveratrol Plus - 60 Vegetarian Capsules (
Item #: 015794073178
(Supposedly stops virus reproduction)
05-04-2009, 10:32 AM
As I have read, I have read articles that say these things are best to avoid (if you are concerned about the "cytokine storm" with avian or swine flu) if swine flu is found to be less severe, Sambucal could be good for it...
Elderberry juice (Sambucal) - Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6. This substance is very effective against the common flu but may not be desirable for the H5N1 Bird Flu virus. Increases in these cytokines may trigger a lethal cytokine storm. (Isr Med Journal2002 Nov;4:944-6)
Micro Algae (Chlorella and Spirulina) - Increases production of cytokine TNF-a (Pubmed PMID 11731916)
Honey - Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6 (Pubmed PMID12824009)
Chocolate - Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6 (Pubmed PMID 12885154, PMID 1091792
Echinacea - Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6. Although it is often used for normal flu, research shows that it may increase the chance of cytokine storms for H5N1 (Pubmed PMID 15556647, 9568541)
Kimchi - Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6 (Pubmed PMID15630182)
Dairy products & Bananas - These foods increase mucous production
05-04-2009, 11:28 AM
I don't think that the swine flu is going to be significant for most of us...but two members of my family work for the mail service and touch LOTS of germs.
This weekend my daughter had a high temp. It was good to have the vitamin C and D to give her. I don't like feeling like my only alternative after "aspirin" type pills is to go the emergency room, and I want to have stuff on hand to help treat pneumonia in case the hospitals are full in the future...
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