View Full Version : Egypt as example

01-31-2011, 09:40 AM
With all the demonstrations and riots in Egypt, food and water is becoming scarce and it is a sobering example. The citizenry is trying desparately to stock up on bottled water and essential foodstuffs and there are long lines outside bakeries (that remain open). Bread is the main sustenance for the majority of Egyptians (seems they would know how to bake it).

Many, if not most, ATMs are out of cash, so many are unable to make last second food purchases, or very little, as they deplete what money they have on hand. To make it worse, price gouging is rearing it's ugly head with at least one store selling water for 3 x's the normal price.

The general thuggery that shows up during situations like this to loot is enhanced by around 5,000 prisoners on the streets due to jail breaks from at least four Cairo prisons. They've cleared out supermarkets and other stores and are hitting affluent residential suburban areas.

01-31-2011, 11:10 AM
Got link?

01-31-2011, 11:56 AM
I wasn't sure if a link was allowable. However, pertinent stories can be found on DrudgeReport. I just rewrote some of the information gleaned.

01-31-2011, 12:39 PM
I read an account today on Fox where looters were moving through a well off neighborhood and the lady said her husband and son went downstairs with just sticks to repel intruders.

I recall reading here years ago about in Revolutionary times a man and his sons armed with sabers, pistols and muskets repelling a mob outside their home.

I bet the Egyptians wish they had an equivalent to the 2A right now.

01-31-2011, 03:04 PM
links are okay.