View Full Version : Costco trip

02-21-2011, 07:23 PM
Just thought I'd mention that I picked up several more super pails of wheat and oats.
Hard White Wheat, 45#... $16.99
Quick Rolled Oats, 23#... $16.49
A lot better than the prices I was seeing at Emergency Essentials or Honeyville.
I wish they had beans and rice already in super pails.

Noahs ARK
02-21-2011, 08:17 PM
Our closest Costco is in Nashville, which is 1-1/2 hours away. I'd love to get deals like that.

We just joined Sam's Club for bulk items and I plan on filling up my Pathfinder when we go.

02-21-2011, 08:46 PM
due to the shortages, I talked to my boss at work at we were able to find some wheat at a price that allows us to offer it at 14$ for a 50lb bag. we will start the sale on Wednesday. Maceys Pleasant Grove.

02-21-2011, 11:05 PM
That's a great deal Threepercent.
The thing I really liked about the Costco stuff, was that it was already sealed in the super pails.
I know some folks get their buckets free, and with minimal cleaning they're good-to-go.
But if you have to buy them... most places; like Honeyville or where-ever, they cost anywhere from $11.99 to $14.99 each (that's pail and lid, but its even more if you want one of the fancy gamma lids).
Anyway, once you add that to the price of the product and oxygen absorbers, the Costco price was way cool for me.
I'm seriously thinking about picking up 2 more of each tomorrow.
Here of late, I'm being prompted to "beef-up" my food, significantly... like I need way more food than I thought would be needed... maybe I'll be feeding a few more folks than I thought (once things start to go bad).

02-21-2011, 11:07 PM
I've got 350 lbs. of wheat that needs to be bucketed. I just don't want to buy the buckets/lids/dry ice. I should just do it, the wheat was free!

02-22-2011, 07:56 AM
the wheat is not really a good price, thats up 64% from this time last year, but it is better than current wheat prices, that are up 79%.

Any scratch bakery, (including in stores) will produce food grade buckets every day. most will prob be 4 gal buckets, but some will be 5. they will also have resealable lids. most go through so many of these that they will give them to you free. you only need gamma lids for the buckets you get into and out of constantly. so get say 5 BLACK buckets and gamma lids and TRANSFER your product to those when you use them. no need to spend money on gamma lids for storage.

for storage: place a small (large marble) chuck on dry ice in bottom of bucket, place the product (wheat, rice, beans, whatever) in and SET the lid on top, do not seal or it will blow the top off violently. wait till the dry ice has sublimed and then seal. watch the lid, if it starts to bulge, burp it. do this till it does not bulge anymore.

this is call gas flushing and is one of the best and cheapest ways to extend storage life. you will replace all the oxygen in the bucket with CO2, this will prevent mold, bugs, growth. they will still sprout but not the ones that were against the piece of dry ice.

rice is currently at a good price at costco. rice will have to follow wheat and corn as it starts to absorb the shifted demand.

within the next few months is the time to get canned veggies. due to mexico's losses fresh produce is going through the roof (sat lettuce went from 89 cents a head to 2.18) so get canned tomatoes and stuff on sale. many of those prices were negotiated months ago, before the freeze and already paid for so you get that price. I know Maceys will have canned mater products at 50 cents and I will be getting a few more.


02-22-2011, 07:04 PM
You're absolutely right about the buckets from stores, but with mine and my wife's work schedules (yes, she works full-time too). We're willing to pay the extra for the already packaged stuff (at least when ever we can find it). :thumbup1:

02-23-2011, 04:03 PM
the wheat is up and on sale, buckets 3.99. 55 gal water buckets (non advertised) at 29$ this is below cost.

02-24-2011, 05:32 PM
Costco is a great store. It has to be, you can never walk out of there with out spending at least $100.00. Its got to be the greatest marketing plan ever$$$

02-24-2011, 11:14 PM
Costco is a great store. It has to be, you can never walk out of there with out spending at least $100.00. Its got to be the greatest marketing plan ever$$$

And what a great marketing plan it is - love that place! :l0 (20):

02-25-2011, 07:16 AM
Since we live in the southeast - Georgia actually - our Costco doesn't have the items you-all have out there in Utha. BOO HOO! When I went online to their site, they do offer Shelf Reliance Thrive Preimum Wheat Pack - 6 #10 cans for $42.99 - Shelf Reliance Thrive Protein Pack( 2 cans of Hard Winter Wheat,1 can of each of these -Bacon TVP, Beef TVP, Chicken TVP, & Taco TVP all for $54.99. I also found that they do have a non-hybrid seed package (23 jumbo seed pkgs produces 1 acre garden with a 5 year shelf life) available for $49.99. Not really a great savings when you add in the shipping. I can do better from other sources I believe.

02-25-2011, 11:22 AM
I sell THRIVE and I can match or beat any price. Contact me for a price list

[email protected]

You can visit my web site at www.shelfreliance.com/cwitte (http://www.shelfreliance.com/cwitte) the prices you see will be slightly higher than what I can get you if you contact me first.

02-25-2011, 03:57 PM
25 lbs. sugar @ Sam's = $16.97 as of an hour ago.

02-25-2011, 08:23 PM
It was $15 for 25 lbs of sugar at Costco a week ago. It has probably gone up too . . . I found a place still selling 4 lb bags for $2 and cleaned out the shelf.

03-02-2011, 06:50 PM
Swung by Costco last night and got 1 more pail of oats and 2 more of wheat.
Couldn't help myself... :001_smile:

03-02-2011, 08:00 PM
currently the thing to buy is rice, if you follow the "buy low" thought process.

03-02-2011, 09:44 PM
I need rice, and more beans too... in the realm of the basics...

03-03-2011, 10:11 AM
I have been told that the Lehi Roller Mills buckets from Costco do not have anything in them like dry ice or oxygen absorbers. The church says that dry ice is the best method for buckets. If you have a cold storage area where the wheat doesn't ever get warm (above 70 degrees I read) you don't have to worry about that as much as those of us that don't have basements.

Augason Farms sells year supply at Sam's Club for $887 including shipping. They are currently quite backordered so if you are interested, I would at least get on the "list" before they stop taking orders for more. Of course we can do better dry packing things ourselves, but for those that don't want to this might be a solution too.