View Full Version : Crystal Therapy, Rebirthing & CranioSacral
08-04-2012, 05:01 AM
Has anybody here experimented with crystals?
What about rebirthing?
And Biodynamic Cranio sacral therapy?
What are your views?
08-04-2012, 06:44 PM
Have not experimented with crystals but am interested to see in the Millennium what they are really about. There has to be something there since various types of crystals are used to amplify radio waves and other types of things.
I have heard really not good things about rebirthing. (I am a mental health professional) I think a lot of the theory is contrary to the teachings of the gospel.
I have seen lots of people have success from cranio sacral work. I think it helps the body rebalance and heal itself.
08-04-2012, 07:56 PM
I remember a story of someone dying from rebirthing therapy. Not something that me or mine are going to get involved in anytime soon.
I do not have a strong opinion on the crania sacral therapy because I have not looked well enough into it. What I have read so far I don't like, but I have been wrong about things before.
What I am very much against is crystals. I would not be surprised at all if they work, but they don't work by channeling Heavenly Father's powers. He has given us guidelines on how to use His power to heal, and crystals never once figured into that.
Other stuff traditionally used for healing has more cultural support, if not always doctrinal. For instance, many church leaders have been in the medical profession. Elder Nelson is a shining example. Herbs used for healing is even mentioned in the Book of Mormon.
Crystals are too much on the occult side of things. They work with a power, but it is not the Lord's. There are only two sources of power, ultimately, in this universe. I'll stick with stuff that uses Heavenly Father's power.
Of course I could be wrong about any of the above. And I haven't found a specific reference in official sources banning them outright. But we are also told that we shouldn't be compelled in all things.
USP 40
08-04-2012, 08:38 PM
I would say be very careful..It is Satan's playground. If it was me, I would stay far far away from it.
I have had many friends that have gone down similar roads, and have not come off unscathed. The one thing they all had in common was that they did all these things. One learned she was Emma Smith in a former life, another friend said he was visited by Satan, and once his mission as the "opposition" is over, he can come back and reclaim his throne.
Why do I know people like this? because they tried to get me into their group.
The cranio-sacral therapy I studied was simple science. The underlying idea was that the separate bones in the skull were not as fixed as previously thought. Head wounds moved these bones, jammed them against each other for example. Cranio-sacral therapy was simply moving these bones back into place.
Also included, was the idea that some muscles made knots (tension) that could be massaged until they released. I experienced this in a massage I was given and I would love to have such a massage until all the tiny knots were released.
I don't know, however, what cranio-sacral therapy has evolved into. It could include all sorts of weird stuff now.
A friend gave me a crystal a couple of decades ago. It was supposed to do something. I forget what. It didn't affect my emotions or my luck/life any more than if I hadn't worn it - or if I'd worn any other type of necklace. Perhaps it was because I didn't believe in it. If crystals really have all that power, they'd work whether one believed in it or not, is my opinion.
I think crystals are different than seer stones and other things from God. For one thing, I expect God is what gives the stones their power, not that the stones have power inherit within themselves.
Not sure about rebirth therapy. I did have an experience wherein I was supposedly regressed to past life experiences. I had stories to tell because I said whatever came into my mind - and I even got emotionally involved in them - but I never believed I had actually gone back to any previous life. I was just making up stories that I got emotionally involved in - which I had done since I was 8 years old, afraid of the dark, when I made up stories to distract me and to chase away the fears.
08-06-2012, 04:58 PM
My view on the following:
Cranio Sacral Therapy: A holistic approach to chiropractors. All my family have had this done and found it very effective.
Rebirthing: Very useful for people that were born with caeseraian or forceps delivery. I was a forceps delivery and in one rebirthing session was rebirthed and it has been very beneficial for me.
Crystals & Gem stones: The scriptures are full of stories of people using them. Just think of the brother of Jared. Also most modern technology uses crystals.
However, there is a lot of airy-fairy info like past life regression and weird stuff like that that gets mixed up sometimes in all of the above. I reckon the explanation to past life regression is probably taking us back to stories friends of ours told us in the pre-existence about their life on earth. at least this would explain it from an LDS angle. we don't need to know about that and it will not help us with our journey on earth.
So going back to cranio-sacral, rebirthing & crystals. All good stuff, crystals are a bit like herbs and can be used for healing. You need to go about it prayerfully with an open mind and ask Heavenly Father if this is right for you.
08-06-2012, 10:22 PM
In my opinion it is incompatible with the gospel.
Let's start with crystals. I'm not denying that crystals are used in radios. And the brother of Jared used something that may have been a crystal to light the boats. Providing light or helping tune a radio does not mean that they have healing powers. In logic, that is called a "non sequitur", or, "it doesn't follow". Another example of a non sequitur would be to say that since gasoline catches on fire easily, it will make you a charismatic public speaker. The one thing does not logically follow from the other.
And even if a crystal can heal, it is not by the power of Heavenly Father. I don't want to mess around with anything that isn't from Him.
Please provide me with an example from scripture of someone using a crystal specifically to heal.
As far as rebirthing therapy, it can kill, and is of dubious benefit. While I am all for proper mental health therapies (like brainspotting), rebirthing therapy has a few very flawed premises. First, that your experiences being born can have a long term effect on your mental health, and second, that anything we could do could approximate birth sufficiently to replace that in the psyche of an individual.
Again, I know little enough of crania sacral therapy to be able to construct a cogent argument against it, but what little I know is not auspicious.
Basically, there is so much that is dark and vile near these things that you have to wonder. Remember, by their fruits ye shall know them. Read this about the death that happened in Colorado from rebirthing therapy and caused it to be outlawed in that state. But beware, it is not for the faint of heart.
08-06-2012, 11:38 PM
And whosoever among you are sick, and have not faith to be healed, but believe, shall be nourished with all tenderness, with herbs and mild food, and that not by the hand of an enemy.
What is the sign of the healing of the sick? The laying on of hands is the sign or way marked out by James, and the custom of ancient Saints as ordered by the Lord, and we cannot obtain the blessing by pursuing any other course except the way marked out by the Lord." See James 5:14-15The Lord has given us a sign for healing. Is ok to offer an alternative to His will by coxing up minions? ? People doing this kind of thing with crystals or what have you, are messing with fire and inviting Satan and his minions in to move you in a direction away from the truth and authority of Jesus Christ. No it is not ok to think that messing with this crystal stuff is of God.
I am waiting for a certain person to defend the crystals by giving examples that different modalities are used today to heal. Well using crystals is not one of these modalities. Heavenly Father has increased knowledge in this dispensation not only by ways to deliver His message of salvation but also miracles of modern medicine and herbs. Funny how leaders of the Church use modern medicine for aid in their healing in addition too proper Priesthood authority for healing. Has anyone noted or heard of leaders of the Church using crystals to heal others or to be healed themselves? Let me answer that one -- NO!
The main result of using crystals for healing is an imitation or trick by Satan. Once one accepts a healing from Satan's power, they are chained to his powers. Though this person may not notice at first but eventually will be lead down the road to hell.
08-07-2012, 12:09 AM
This type of healing has been addressed by the brethren before and we are counseled to avoid it like the plague. Once again, I am at loss for the references. Sorry. Maybe someone has them.
08-07-2012, 12:10 PM
I will defend crystals, but I will not defend the "use" of them in todays society. First of all, every rock, every tree, every herb, every animal, etc were made during the creation periods of this earth, which means crystals were made during that time as well (so they are not from Satan). Each rock, tree, herb, etc all have their own unique characteristics. Crystals will affect your body when you hold them, just as a magnet does, just as an herb does, and just as the sun, grass, trees, etc when you are around them. To say that crystals should do NOTHING to affect the electrical/vibrational flow of the body, I would say is wrong as we have scientific proof of the amazing qualities and characteristics of crystals in electronics. We also have cameras that are sensitive enough to take pictures of the energy/electrical fields emitting from the human body.
Now - people are worshiping the crystals, and performing ceremonies with them, and obsessing about them, etc - that is wrong. They are just rocks, and if someone wanted to hold one or wear one - that's fine, and if it helped someone to feel better - than great. But more than that is walking a dangerous line.
On the flip side, if you evaluate something crazy. People use modern medicine to be healed. Synthetically made drugs, with all kinds of side affects to the body. It's a statistical fact that modern medicine (pills) kill a good # of people in the USA and or cause so many other problems - yet its approved and supported by our Church. The point i'm trying to make, is here we are talking about crystals which are rocks that were made by the hand of God - and everyone is afraid of them or deems them evil.....yet most people will run to the doctor for a "pill" which is made by man, and proven damaging to the body. (each pill has a list of side affects)
I really don't think you will find someone in the scriptures using crystals to heal. Just as you don't find chiropractors in the scriptures, or accupuncture or massage therapy to heal. But to make one more point, in all the medical imaging equipment that I deal with - equipment designed to heal - they all use crystals - every single one of them. So even in an electronic way, crystals are being used to help heal..
One last comment - they're just crystals. Don't worship them, don't give them magical powers, and just enjoy them for the beauty the were created...and I would say you're just fine
08-07-2012, 12:28 PM
One last comment - they're just crystals. Don't worship them, don't give them magical powers, and just enjoy them for the beauty the were created...and I would say you're just fine
That's the issue, people do start believing they are magical powers and can't let go. It's like any pagan use or belief "its so innocent". The major issue - Satan is behind this, just like your movies and junk that is on TV.
even crystals. But wicked people use most of those things to substitute proper faith and the exercise of such faith. Crystals are no different from Prozac. It can be used wisely or imprudently. It can be a tool to further peoples spiritual progress or to limit it. I do not endorse standard crystal therapy, but to call all of it evil is just as unwise as to say all of western medicine is good, or all prayer is good, or all service is good, or all barges are good, or all uses for a computer are good, or all guns are bad. Crystals are behind the function of all quartz watches. That isn't evil. They can be used to help healing. But any tool that we rely upon at the cost of denying the true faith is an evil use of that tool.
08-07-2012, 02:56 PM
ALL POWER COMES FROM HEAVENLY FATHER. So, if one tries to use a crystal or some other tool to manipulate power, make certain that the manipulation is approved by the creator. Quite simply, if it isn't supported by scripture, the priesthood and/or the Holy Ghost, DO NOT DO IT! Be careful not to abuse Heavenly Father's power.
There are many spirits in the world. Only listen to the GOOD ONES! Those other spirits can lead you into strange paths, far from the iron rod (scriptures), Jesus and Heavenly Father.
You don't want to wander out on the fringe. You just may not like what you find and what finds you.
08-07-2012, 06:14 PM
ALL POWER COMES FROM HEAVENLY FATHER. So, if one tries to use a crystal or some other tool to manipulate power, make certain that the manipulation is approved by the creator. Quite simply, if it isn't supported by scripture, the priesthood and/or the Holy Ghost, DO NOT DO IT! Be careful not to abuse Heavenly Father's power.
I agree with that statement.
That being said, there remains the question of how much we may know of the properties of various minerals/stones/crystals that the Lord might have endowed them with. As is often the case, we know only that which He has revealed to us, which is very little about the minerals.
I have always been curious about Exodus 38, and the clothing of Aaron for his high priestly duties. Every detail about clothing and other appurtenances was VERY specifically spelled out, and there must be some reason for that, beyond sheer decoration. A couple of the items, the breastplate and the urim and thummim, are particularly interesting to me.
Was there some special reason why the various stones were placed on the breastplate, specific types in specific places? We now identify all of those stones as precious or semi-precious, many of them crystals. But did the Lord endow them with some kind of power relating to Aaron's office?
Also, one wonders about the urim and thummim -- what mineral(s) were they composed of? I have had the idea that they were either clear quartz crystal or diamond, but am not sure. Does anyone have info on that?
Rock-hounding was an interesting hobby for me! But I would be cautious in ascribing any particular power to the stones themselves.
08-07-2012, 06:20 PM
even crystals. But wicked people use most of those things to substitute proper faith and the exercise of such faith. Crystals are no different from Prozac. It can be used wisely or imprudently. It can be a tool to further peoples spiritual progress or to limit it. I do not endorse standard crystal therapy, but to call all of it evil is just as unwise as to say all of western medicine is good, or all prayer is good, or all service is good, or all barges are good, or all uses for a computer are good, or all guns are bad. Crystals are behind the function of all quartz watches. That isn't evil. They can be used to help healing. But any tool that we rely upon at the cost of denying the true faith is an evil use of that tool.
I feel safe calling anything evil that is that closely linked with the occult. Heavenly Father made psychedelic mushrooms too. Are you proposing that using those to get drug trips is appropriate in some circumstances?
Again, crystals have many good, appropriate uses. Such as quartz watches. But to say that a thing is good for one use doesn't mean that you can use it for every use. Read the word of wisdom - it recommends tobacco for sick cattle. Does one appropriate use of tobacco mean that I should go out and stock up on smokes because there might be some appropriate situations for smoking? Of course not.
We shouldn't have to be directed in every thing. Just because there is no specific prohibition against something doesn't mean it's open game. We have to use our judgment, and also judge a practice by its fruits. Just because there is no specific prohibition against strangling puppies doesn't mean I should rush out and do it.
Arbilad, if you read my post, we are saying the same thing. Nothing is good or bad, unless you use it so. You amplified my point.
Wisdom and righteousness are the key. Follow the spirit. Don't condemn anything too broadly. Some people who use Cranial Sacral are outstanding practitioners. Some are a little ways out on the plank.
I think we are coming from a similar place, I just understand crystals better than most on this site, it seems. They do have marvelous God given properties. The use of those properties does not constitute evil in any way. Evil usage of those properties is evil. I don't apply them directly in my practice, but my medically approved ultrasound unit uses crystals.
Does that make it evil? Hardly.
08-08-2012, 06:56 AM
Thanks Rand for your comments.
We need to keep an open mind and at the same time kneel in prayer to find out if what we are looking at, reading, studying is good or bad.
08-08-2012, 06:59 AM
Any object can have some healing power depending on circumstances. For example, a woman touched the edge of Jesus's mantel and she was healed. The mantel was not miraculous, her faith was, and Jesus was.
In the last Ensign, Joseph is said to have given a napkin or similar piece of fabric to someone, and he said that whoever would be wiped with it would be healed. This doesn't make fabric a healing item or a Satanic item.
As for Arbilad's comment on how our birth experiences can affect the rest of our lives, I have a slightly different opinion. We had my son seen by a healer who taps the body (body Talk) to ask what's wrong and unbalanced.
She knew nothing about my son and yet was able to tell that he had a very traumatic birth experience. Also, she found out on her own that when my daughter was born, 5 years after my son, his birth trauma was reminded to him, who reacted with very different behaviour as if he remembered everything. The school called us to ask what was wrong etc - many problems arouse when Kim was born, and my son remembered his own birth.
Only after the Body Talk healer finished with my son, I informed her that my son was born through an emergency Caesarian, and had to be revived 3 times because he was not there. I was revived twice because I was not coming back from sleep and was slipping away.
He was put in a different room and was not handled for 2 days, and just screamed his head off.
He was able to see me for minutes every day as I was on a wheelchair and only after 1 week I was able to take him home and give him cuddles.
So, Arbilad, I think that every person deep down remembers his own birth and it makes a big difference to his mental health.
My daughter was born naturally, I was awake and I was able to nurse her and cuddle her immediately. She is massively different from my son since day one: calm, peaceful and loving, always happy.
So, I welcome any therapy which removes negative thoughts from our mind. Every negative thought creates a neurotransmitter and very neurotransmitter has the ability to make organs work or stop working.
For example, by saying to a person that he is dying of cancer, if he believes it he will create the right environment for a quick death by sending neurotransmitters to each organ to quit organ functions.
As for Body Talk, rest assured that it is a type of kinesiotherapy and several General Authorities use it all the time.
Regarding crystals, I am very diffident towards them, out of ignorance, LOL, however every single particle of the universe, including living beings, rocks etc has energy and has a Quantum signature, which can determine how the tiniest part of our body work together, so I do not discount the possibility that crystals can heal.
Bath waters in certain areas can heal - I don't worship them but millions of people find relief from chronic pain by going to special thermal places. This doesn't make the water satanic or evil even if the scriptures do not suggest we get healed using water (apart of the guy who had to bath himself 7 times in water).
So, saying that waters are ok but crystals not is contradictory; water can become crystallised and still have powers - does this make it evil?
In my opinion, it is always possible to sin of ignorance and to shun a therapy because we simply don't know enough to make a good judgement about it. This doesn't automatically make users of such therapy sinners or friends of Satan.
My 2 cents!
Just found a link which shows how many kids have been beaten and killed during the process of rebirthing. I am glad that Fabrizio liked his treatment but looking at what happens to others it's not something I would recommend to anyone...ooh well, perhaps to Obama! :)
08-08-2012, 10:47 AM
My rebirthing was done by a craniosacral therapist utilising crystal therapy too. Like everything you must go to a well trained and knowledgeable therapist. It was a pleasant experience. I wouldn't say it is dangerous based on a few cases. Otherwise even flying could be dangerous if you just read about the airplane accidents...
I always tell people that their is a reason that the Mormon Health code is called The Word of Wisdom. Wisdom requires study & application. I have been reading extensively about crystal therapy and experimenting with it and to me it's like Herbalism. However, most of the world is going down the conventional medicine route of chemotherapy, vaccinations, antibiotics, etc. Most people will ask a doctor for help with their help because this is what they were taught in school, they are too lazy to do their own research.
The following book is a good place to start with crystals:
08-08-2012, 11:18 AM
In the last Ensign, Joseph is said to have given a napkin or similar piece of fabric to someone, and he said that whoever would be wiped with it would be healed. This doesn't make fabric a healing item or a Satanic item.
The discussion, as far as I'm aware, has not been about whether there are alternate methods to heal. The discussion has been about whether certain methods, such as crystal therapy, are compatible with our beliefs.
Just because one thing is true does not necessarily mean that all similar things are true. Notice the source of the power in your quote. A prophet of God, acting with the power and authority of God, authorized a certain fabric to be used for healing.
That does not mean, however, that similar things are of God. You have to look at the source. Crystal therapy is derived from the mysticism of many primitive religions. Nowhere is it explicitly or implicitly encouraged by the doctrine of our church.
The forgeries of the devil are frequently only slightly different from the same thing from Heavenly Father. But that slight difference makes all the difference in the world. Take, for example, fornication. It is the exact same act that married couples engage in, with the slight difference that in one situation you are married, and the other you are not. In other words, five minutes in front of a justice of the peace is enough to change the very same act into a good thing, whereas before it would have been a very evil thing.
The difference in that example is covenants made. The difference between good healing methods and bad ones is the source of power.
Just because a method is effective doesn't mean that it is good. I remember a story of some missionaries on their p-day (without name tags) going to one of those faith healers, who healed the badly sprained ankle of one of the Elders. The missionaries were confused, because the faith healer didn't have the priesthood, and they had been taught that miraculous healing had to be done by the power of the priesthood. They went to their mission president for an explanation. The mission president gave the Elder a blessing, in which he cast the evil spirits out of him. Immediately the Elder's ankle swelled back up again.
Had the Elder's ankle been healed in the first instance? Indubitably. But had it been healed by the power of God? No.
BTW, I advocate the opposite of ignorance. Study about crystals if you're curious. But do a thorough study before you go down that road. Don't just study the success stories, whether true or false. Investigate the nature of the thing. Read about the magic wands they use in their ceremonies (and yes, certain practitioners of crystal therapy use crystal wands in their rites). Understand the true nature of the thing, and think, ponder, and pray about whether such a thing could truly be of the Lord. Everything I have found about it is totally incompatible with the gospel.
BTW, Fabrizio, I am generally the opposite of a believer in western medicine. I do believe it has its place, but I think that place is very limited. I am big time into herbalism, essential oils, alternative therapies, etc. But I investigate anything carefully before deciding whether to use it for me and my family. There are things I reject. For instance, despite the many claimed benefits, I will not drink green tea because it is specifically prohibited by the word of wisdom.
BTW, while I am generally against pharmaceuticals, I have stopped believing that it is all bad. The reason is that a member of the temple presidency used to own a pharmaceutical company, and a more spiritual man I have never met.
08-08-2012, 04:34 PM
They went to their mission president for an explanation. The mission president gave the Elder a blessing, in which he cast the evil spirits out of him. Immediately the Elder's ankle swelled back up again.
Had the Elder's ankle been healed in the first instance? Indubitably. But had it been healed by the power of God? No.
This is a good example of what I had said early about Satan healing.
08-12-2012, 04:14 PM
When these types of healing practices come up, I usually google their history and source. Where did this practice come from, who uses it? Most of the time I find its origination in satanic rituals.
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