View Full Version : Costco MRE Buckets - Group Buy
02-21-2008, 02:15 PM
I've been working with Frank Davis who owns Food For Health, International. As a Bishop, he became concerned about food storage. Just so happened, his counselors were more prepared than he was....which caught him pleasantly by surprise. Hence, he created an emergency preparedness site within his company where he has diligently sought after the best products at the cheapest prices. Consequently, he has taken his ward members from 5% to 75% having one years storage! I think we can expect a story from the church fairly soon highlighting this ward for it's accomplishments. (shhhh, I didn't tell you though!)
Okay, I have all the documents you need to create a group order including a sign up sheet. What I can't calculate are shipping costs. They will ship or you can go pick the stuff up.
This is a fabulous offer.
Okay....well....I can't upload any of the documents. (parameters for site uploads are too small.) If you want them, email me via this site and I'll send them to you.
02-21-2008, 02:19 PM
Wordzee, we'll look into getting the upload limits increased.
02-21-2008, 06:05 PM
I'm sure you have lots of tweaking to do. I'm perfectly happy having people email. :-) It will all come together. Thanks.
02-22-2008, 04:42 AM
Do you live in Franks ward?
02-22-2008, 09:49 AM
Do you live in Franks ward?
3:42am? Cowboy! Go to bed! :-)
No, I live in Dr. Susan Puls stake, the Emergency Medical Response Coordinator for the church world wide. When I first was called to my position as Ward Preparedness Specialist, Susan was the first person I called. She had a wealth of information for me but had found that the buckets were the best she could find that were cheap and fast. After we did a big ward buy from Costco, a few months later, one of the Bishopric expressed a desire to get more but the Costco didn't carry them anymore. So, I went back to Susan to find out what happened. She put me in direct contact with Frank Davis. What a marvelous man to be associated with. We've spent quite a bit of time talking. I've come to appreciate and respect what he is doing.
Now, this reservation was expressed to me...
She states: (name withheld)
This sounded like such a good product. But then I went to the site and read the ingredients. Lots of Hydrogenated and Hyrolized corn, soy, etc. That means MSG (monosodium Glutamate). WAAY too much preservatives! Most people consume far too much of that stuff without knowing how bad it is for them. We have had infor about MSG posted here before.
My response:
You're the rare one....and most of us with our background will eat far better than this. BUT and I mean a HUGE BUT! The majority of people in the church have NOTHING and they are so overwhelmed by the prospect of building a year storage let alone 3 months, that they simply don't! Most people eat crappy anyway! And those that do eat crappy, if they jumped right into eating whole and I know exactly what would happen. So, while this may not be the best nutritionally, it gets people started. The emergency buckets are fabulous for the cost. So, for a ward project, I don't believe you will find a faster better way to get storage into peoples homes. And it's been interesting to watch as they do get some in their home....they become more at peace and then all of sudden they relax and start asking more of the important questions......very interesting process indeed.
This isn't really about the individual. It's about those who serve their wards and stakes and or other average group. For them, this program can be a huge blessing.
I believe she had a legitimate concern and I'm glad she voiced it. However, I believe Brother Davis has gone above and beyond trying to create the best nutritionally fortified product that he can. It may not be good enough for some, but for many I could mean the difference between life and death. I personally only have one bucket. The rest of my three years is in a variety of (real food).
I will check with him about the MSG.
02-22-2008, 12:18 PM
Just heard from Bishop Davis. There is no added MSG in his products. :-)
02-24-2008, 05:01 PM
I'm soooo I took orders for 35 buckets plus other items. AND sent out block captains to check with neighbors who might not have been at church! And this Friday I will drive to SLC and fill my truck up with FOOD STORAGE!
I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!
02-26-2008, 02:37 AM
Looks like has the 3-month Emergency Food Supply for $79.99 with no shipping costs ( and the 6-day emergency kit for $99.99 with no shipping costs (
I'm still going to try to get a group to buy some of these, but I might end up getting them from Costco, but it will depend on what the prices end up being in the end.
02-26-2008, 02:50 PM
The 79.99 price includes shipping, as the shipping charge is already tacked on to the online price. The same product sells in the store for 69.99. Call to see if your local costco has these in stock, you will save $10 per item.
02-28-2008, 09:50 AM
This must be new.
My suggestion from here on out would to be contact the company directly through their website. .
Looks like Costco is blowing them out at a wholesale price.
So, do all your homework and then go get the best price. :-)
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