View Full Version : dry pack cannery no longer selling bulk food?

09-12-2016, 11:06 PM
has anyone else heard or verified this info I got from my SIL?:

The church's Dry Pack Canneries will no longer have bulk food to sell after Oct. 31; the food will be canned somewhere else and shipped in cans to the Dry Pack Cannery. When the bulk food runs out it will not be reordered. Cans of food will be available until Dec 31 or when they run out. After that only wheat will be sold. The price of wheat will go up.

Bulk goods purchased by individuals and self canned are being stopped--even the empty cans and lids will not be sold. They will stop having empty cans and lids to do your own canning at home by Oct 31, 2016. Only food prepackaged at a larger, regulated cannery will be sold after Oct 31.

September seems to be a crucial month to finish our preps while we can get food on sale in stores and get our bulk put in storage while the supplies and money are still good.

09-13-2016, 08:23 AM
Most had already done this. Just a handful of locations kept the bulk food and self canning.

09-13-2016, 05:46 PM
Wow, I had no idea. Looks like my family and I joined the church at just the right time, as we pretty much have everything from the cannery that we need... not that we're not continuously adding more, just being more creative and going in different directions to add variety now.
Thanks for the heads up though.

09-14-2016, 06:00 PM
The biggest bummer (or as Harm would say... side bummer), is they'll no longer carry the empty #10 cans.
Don't know about here in Idaho, but our stake in AZ had a canning machine, which anyone in the stake could "check-out" (like a library book), and fill your own #10 cans (that you most likely bought at the cannery and filled with other stuff that you bought.
It was actually a stake calling to track the whereabouts of the canning machine and even keep a schedule of who's using it, and for how long.

10-19-2016, 12:47 AM
I found out that the local drypack was no longer going to sell anymore cans, so I went right down and bought 6 cases (36 ea) with lids so I'd have them. We have our own canner in-house to use at our leisure, which is a good thing, as the Church plans to dismantle and sell the ones they have......so I hear. The missionary at the storehouse said they had almost sold out of cans and wouldn't get anymore in. We'll probably spread these cans among our kids because there's no room left to store more than 6 or so in our home. I don't think there'll be any complaints outa them. My own attitude has hardened a bit about sharing anything we've sacrificed and struggled to afford. Not sure I'll feel any guilt about turning the majority away either. Especially the ones who have expensive frivolous goodies that took precedence over important preps they've been warned about for DECADES.

10-23-2016, 01:45 AM
still_waiting... that was one of those double or triple "like" posts... if only we had a button for such a thing. :thumbsup:

10-30-2016, 12:17 AM

10-30-2016, 12:35 AM
I should add that another reason I don't feel moved toward generosity with food storage is in the realm of political persuasion among either members or non. I'm not disposed to feel much kinship or sympathy toward liberals/socialists/communists of any bent, especially those who will not hear sound wisdom. For too many years (decades) such types have sat on their laurels and pooh-poohed advice, warnings and admonitions of wiser men, or have come right out in support of doctrines and policies that have largely brought us to the brink of destruction as a nation. I will do my best not to gloat at their suffering when the time arrives, but will not lift a finger for nor offer any sustenance to the hand that has held a beating stick over the heads of freedom loving and God fearing people.

10-30-2016, 02:20 AM
still_waiting, you are speaking the words I feel in my heart... but having said that, I will still heed the words of King Benjamin and do my utmost to assist all who seek my help, regardless of the fact that they are most likely seeking my help because they ignored the guidance of the brethren.
But... if they come making demands in a threatening (or even mildly pompous manner)... it will be a very short conversation.

Bo Smith
10-30-2016, 11:35 AM
The whole topic is moot if no one knows that I have any food storage, right?

As far as I know, no one in this ward knows that I have so much as a bean.

I haven't been to the Murray cannery in years. I don't know that they have or don't have.

10-30-2016, 11:51 PM
Bo, I agree with the old adage, "loose lips, sink ships", but I've never been much good at keeping secrets from my family... always been more of an open book, in a manner of speaking.
I feel the same about my ward family, so I make little to no effort to be secretive about my passion for being prepared.
Part of that is because I feel it's the only way to help others to prepare themselves better... much like sharing the Gospel... we have to open our mouths, can't hide our light under a bush, etc, etc.
I'm certainly not the end all, be all, in prepping, but for those that think they can take from others... I'd rather them come to me than someone else (and as mean as it may sound, that goes for members of the ward too), if anyone thinks to take from others by force, I'll be more than happy to be their "end all, be all".
Its unfortunate that so many have made a conscious decision to disregard the counsel given them, but if (when things go bad) they realize the error of their ways and come with hat in hand, we've been counseled to help them. And from my perspective, that will be an easy task.
It's those that come with an attitude and a gun in hand, that will be a sad and unsavory task to deal with... most I think would hesitate, where I will not.
I will either send those who think to steal and rob to the other side of the veil, or I will end up on the other side of the veil myself, but will do so protecting my family and good ward family members... in the manner which I feel the Lord would expect from me.

Bo Smith
10-31-2016, 12:15 AM
I'm not making any kind of active effort to hide my preparations. It's more that I am taking a hiatus from evangelizing. Just taking a break, cruising under the radar as it were.

Like you, I am in a new ward, in a new house. We're still getting settled in, and didn't have much of a garden this season. I don't have an HF antenna up yet, either. My house doesn't look much like "prepper central". I figure eventually the cat will come out of the bag. When it does it will because someone asks for help. I'm not going to give unsolicited advice (how annoying that is!). Someone will ask about gardening, or ham radio, or home canning. I don't think I'll go talking about guns or anything similar. It was awkward enough when the home teachers saw my BJJ gi hang drying.