View Full Version : Wheat conversation at Costco today
02-22-2008, 06:15 PM
The wife and I were at Costco today, and each time I am there I check to see if the price has gone up on the Roller Mills buckets. Whille wheat prices have been rising everywhere, the price at Costco has remained constant. We noticed that the price was again the same today, and a lady working the sample table right next to the wheat display told us that it was right about to go up. We asked her when, she said that the store would be raising the price 45% within the next few days, "very soon". She said that they had talked on the phone with the owner of Lehi Roller Mills and heard this information, and also heard that this last wheat crop "did not come up". Wheat is up and going up, and it sounds like the supply may be very short this season.
Thanks for the heads up.
Can you tell me how much wheat is in the buckets and what the price is?
02-22-2008, 06:40 PM
These are 45# buckets factory sealed at Lehi Roller Mills for $16.99.
I called the plant to inquire about the protien content awhile back (good content btw), and received the further information that they expect their wheat to remain unspoiled and nutritiuos for 20+ years in this factory sealed packaging. When I asked about oxygen absorbers they said that removal of all oxygen degraded the nutrition of the wheat. I buy them from Costco and store them as bought, taking care to keep vermin out of my food storage room.
02-23-2008, 12:54 AM
I heard that Lehi Mills was a bad place to buy wheat, but I'll be darned if I can remember who told me that and why. I'll have to poke around for that information...:confused:
02-23-2008, 05:17 AM
I heard that Lehi Mills was a bad place to buy wheat, but I'll be darned if I can remember who told me that and why. I'll have to poke around for that information...:confused:
You probably heard it from Walton Feed or Honeyville :)
02-23-2008, 10:39 AM
Nope. It was a conversation with someone who was buying wheat.
02-24-2008, 12:26 PM
IMO it's always best to do your research when making important purchases. I personally dont like to rely on individual personal opinions or accounts, because one person's bad experience or low opinion does not nececssarily constitute truth. When I saw the buckets of LRM wheat at Costco, I called LRM to inquire about protien content and packaging. Of course it's possible that they lied to me, but the consequences of them lying about their product are far more serious than the consequences of a friend or aquaintance simply being wrong. Seems best to gather as much first-hand information as you can and try to make a good decision based on your inquiries.
02-25-2008, 01:20 AM
I talked wiht the person I thought it was that told me...nope. So who knows where I came up with that from.
02-25-2008, 03:38 PM
several years ago Lehi Roller Mills was advertsing a program where people could buy their years supply of wheat from them, but not have to take possession---in other words, you pay for it, they keep your "stock" on the books and you just come and pick it up as needed. they would even grind it into flour for you. My husband and I thought this was totally nutty. what if they went out of business---where is your paid for wheat? what if you moved across country--can't get to it easily. the best place for your food is in your home. yes even under your bed and behind your sofa. I haven't heard them advertising this so I guess it didn't go over big. anything I have of value I want under my control!
02-25-2008, 03:55 PM
Couldnt agree more Mother55. Even if we were living in an apartment I would not like this "solution".
02-28-2008, 08:39 AM
Last Monday I was in the Sandy Costco (above conversation occurred in the Lehi Coscto over the weekend). They had apparently just received a shipment of wheat buckets. There was a full stock of buckets on the display at the end of the isle. Another pallet of buckets was being moved to the back of the store on a pallet jack, and a few more buckets were on a nearly empty pallet in the isle. I went to check the price on the display, and it still read $16.99. I was there again on Wednesday (this Costco is very close to work) and there were no buckets of wheat to be found. With wheat on the rise this has been something I check every time I am at Costco, just to see. I was not expecting them to be completely cleaned out in under two days.
02-28-2008, 10:03 AM
I know the last time I went into the Lehi Costco I couldn't find any wheat buckets anywhere. I was there last week sometime.
I'll have to keep my eyes open so I can get some more. I have wheat, but I've also been adding one bucket at a time to my supply.
02-28-2008, 10:12 AM
I was in the Lehi costco yesterday and asked when they were supposed to be getting more wheat and they lady I talked to at checkout said they are supposed to be getting more on friday. She doesn't know if the price will be different or not. Another guy who worked there said he heard the prices of wheat were going up but wasn't sure if it was going to be going up in their prices. I was also at the Lehi Roller Mills yesterday and they sell the same buckets for $22.99. So if they don't go up in prices but Costco does, they may end up being the same price.
02-28-2008, 10:31 AM
Until this past week I have never seen these buckets unavailable at Costco. It sure seems that quite a few people are well aware of a seemingly impending price hike for these shelves to be suddenly empty in so many stores. We're good on our wheat stores, so I'm glad that people are apparently feeling their own promptings to add to their own stores.
02-28-2008, 12:04 PM
I've also seen people buying a lot of flour from the same Lehi Costco. I think the word is getting out.
Speaking of which, I could use some more flour.:wink5:
02-28-2008, 12:17 PM
I just called the Murray Costco to see if they had any wheat, but they said that their location does not. The lady looked up in the computer to see if the other locations did. She said that no other locations have wheat--they were supposed to get a shipment on the 26th, but it didn't come yet. It's not in transit yet either, so she doesn't know when they will get them, but when they do the buckets will be $19.53 for a 45 lb bucket. If you want to buy from there, it would be good to call daily, I bet.
I'd recommend the cannery for wheat... does anyone have info on the canneries' wheat availability?
02-29-2008, 11:07 AM
I just called the Lehi Costco to see if they were going to get their shipment of wheat today and she said no, not until the 4th or 5th, their shipment got delayed. I just talked to the Orem Costco and they got some in this morning, and it is already at the $19.49 price. I also called the Sandy Costco she said they have some wheat in the back, just not the buckets. But they have 360 on order and it should be in at anytime. I didn't call Murray cause it isn't close to me.
02-29-2008, 08:34 PM
You guys are so lucky to have Costcos that carry wheat, they don't in AZ.
Mother55, you're absolutely right... I'm sure most have heard the old saying that goes, "possession is nine tenths of the law".
It's pretty much true.
03-01-2008, 12:21 AM
I was at Sam's today and 50 lbs. bags of rice have gone up too. I was buying them about 4-6 months ago for a little over $13 and today they are almost $16.
03-02-2008, 10:58 PM
Someone reported that the Costco wheat is close to $20.00 up at a Northern Utah too (Logan/Ogden) don't remember.
I priced shortening and rice last week at the Costco on 3rd West and it was about $14.00 for 50 lbs. Six gallons of shortening was about $5.50. The shortening was almost a dollar higher on Saturday in Murray. The murray store only had 25 lbs bags of rice and they were slightly higher in price.
Sam's club still had popcorn for $13.18 for 50 lbs. last week. That is such a good price. It is $22.00 to $26.00 at most grain sellers.
These are 45# buckets factory sealed at Lehi Roller Mills for $16.99.
I called the plant to inquire about the protien content awhile back (good content btw), and received the further information that they expect their wheat to remain unspoiled and nutritiuos for 20+ years in this factory sealed packaging. When I asked about oxygen absorbers they said that removal of all oxygen degraded the nutrition of the wheat. I buy them from Costco and store them as bought, taking care to keep vermin out of my food storage room.
I read your post and the alarm went off in my head! I dry packed all of my wheat last year with oxygen absorbers...was that bad??? I hope I have not lost my wheat value
03-03-2008, 02:26 PM
I am starting to wonder if there is a "perfect" way to store grains.
A lady at the cannery said that plastic itself is not airtight and watertight and eventually these will leak through. She said that CO2 was best for plastic containers if you are going to use them. She also said you have to keep them off the ground (1/2 inch) because they can pick up water and tastes from the ground/cement. A lot of people use diatomaceous earth but if this is stored in a place where there is humidity it won't work because it dries out the bugs and if there is a water source (in the wheat) it will keep them alive.
So, I don't know if there is a perfect solution besides prayer. I think we should all do what we can do and then pray.
If I had wheat packed by a grain supplier I would feel pretty good about that.
03-04-2008, 12:03 PM
I dont think that you are immediately losing large amounts of nutritional value from packing the corn with oxygen absorbers. It would make sense that the impact of the lack of oxygen would occur over time. I would recommend calling a grain supplier (like Lehi Roller Mills or Walton Feed) and seeking their advice.
I agree that there doesnt seem to be one perfect answer for storing grain, as with so many other things. Seems that faith and obedience is the best route. I am also inclined to believe that these grain suppliers would have valuable insight in regards to the storage of their product, as this is their livelihood. This is one of the major reasons that I have been buying my whole grain wheat in the factory sealed buckets. I simply feel good about it, despite the many warnings that I am apparently "supposed" to be doing this or that to my wheat in order to ensure that it keeps long-term.
03-15-2008, 12:43 AM
Wow, shortening today was $6.75! That is quite an increase...
03-15-2008, 12:45 AM
I priced shortening and rice last week at the Costco on 3rd West and it was about $14.00 for 50 lbs. Six gallons of shortening was about $5.50.
This was my post from two weeks ago.
03-15-2008, 08:50 PM
I think sometimes that we don't have enough faith in being obedient. If we have done our best with our food storage, that includes the way in which we have stored, we will be blessed. I have had to store my food storage in our garage because we don't have a basement. We haven't had any problems, but I also know that the Lord knows that I am doing my best and I believe he has blessed me for that. I have a dear friend in my ward who truly believes in food storage and has a beautiful one and would share it in a heart beat. Her and I were talking to another sister in our ward. The sister wanted to know what to do with her old items in her food storage. My dear friend said that she never throws anything away except for old medication. She just prays upon the food and then eats it. She truly believes in the blessings that come from obedience. Her and I did a wheat class and used some of her old wheat (45 years old) that was canned and it sprouted beautifully. By the way, my dear friend is 74, so she has been doing this for awhile.
03-16-2008, 12:26 AM
I just called the Murray Costco to see if they had any wheat, but they said that their location does not. The lady looked up in the computer to see if the other locations did. She said that no other locations have wheat--they were supposed to get a shipment on the 26th, but it didn't come yet. It's not in transit yet either, so she doesn't know when they will get them, but when they do the buckets will be $19.53 for a 45 lb bucket. If you want to buy from there, it would be good to call daily, I bet.
I'd recommend the cannery for wheat... does anyone have info on the canneries' wheat availability?
The Costco in Sandy carries wheat, although it has within the last couple of weeks started selling out FAST when they get shipments in. They told me they will keep selling it as long as it is available.
03-16-2008, 09:30 AM
Every time I go to Costco (Lehi or Sandy) I look for wheat. I never see it. That doesn't mean they never have it, I'm sure. They probably sell-out the day they bring it in, who knows. I DO know that it's never there when I go, though.
It seems to me that there are a lot more people than we realize that are aware of what's "really" going on. It's good to see. Fortunately, we have plenty of wheat. I know we can always use more, but atleast I don't have to worry about the shelves being empty.
03-16-2008, 10:00 AM
Every time I go to Costco (Lehi or Sandy) I look for wheat. I never see it. That doesn't mean they never have it, I'm sure. They probably sell-out the day they bring it in, who knows. I DO know that it's never there when I go, though.
It seems to me that there are a lot more people than we realize that are aware of what's "really" going on. It's good to see. Fortunately, we have plenty of wheat. I know we can always use more, but atleast I don't have to worry about the shelves being empty.
She's talking about the last few weeks. The whole time we have been hearing about the looming wheat shortage and rising prices, Costco had continued to have a healthy stock at a steady price. In the last few weeks their price has jumped, and they almost never have any in stock anymore. I was in there a couple weeks ago around lunch, and watched them fully stock their wheat display, and also move a fully stocked pallet to the back. Two days later when I was there it was all gone.
This seems to suggest an important change has taken place. Supplies have been dropping and prices have been rising for some time now, but recognition of this has largely been kept to the relatively few people paying attention to such things. It now seems that people in general are not only taking notice, but taking action
03-19-2008, 06:52 PM
Called our Bishop's cannery in Jacksonville, Florida, last week to get prices on wheat and dried milk. Milk, $13.30 per #10 can. Red wheat. $2.02 per #10 can, white, $2.07, red, $4.75 for 25lbs., white, $6.25. but in short supply. Was told that they have a shipment coming in on March 25th. Emailed a sister who planned to go to cannery with me and told her I had gotten an app't. for any of our ward members on the 26th. She called me back the next day to say that she had intended to go up on that Friday, but the cannery director called to tell her that they were all out of wheat by then. I'll call on the 25th to see if any wheat comes in, but I am not counting on it. If it doesn't, I'll go to Sam's Club and get some more 25 lb flour, rice and beans, and some more buckets of popcorn. We are well prepared for a couple, but I expect we'll probably get indundated by 10-12 UNPREPARED relatives and friends, if the worst happens.
Also, I think, with the price of gas (around $3.40 here, now, and an hour and a half trip to the cannery) I may order the dried milk at the club special at Emergency Essentials this month, and maybe some more powdered shortening and odds and ends. (Love their shipping prices...monthly club orders are free shipping.)
03-19-2008, 10:52 PM
No wheat at the Jordan Landing Sam's Club as of 4:30 p.m. today. I did grab 100 lbs of popcorn.
03-20-2008, 04:29 AM
I didn't read earlier posts about popcorn. I have seen lots of posts about buying it for some reason. What else can you do with it besides pop it? Can you grind it into flour for cornbread or eat it some other way than pop it? If I coarsely ground it, could I use it as chicken feed?
03-20-2008, 10:55 AM
Grind it into cornmeal.
03-20-2008, 11:07 AM
I didn't read earlier posts about popcorn. I have seen lots of posts about buying it for some reason. What else can you do with it besides pop it? Can you grind it into flour for cornbread or eat it some other way than pop it? If I coarsely ground it, could I use it as chicken feed?
Lots cheaper sources of chicken feed than popcorn, friend.
03-20-2008, 11:48 AM
This morning I came accross an ad on KSL, in the Food Storage section. A man has some white wheat in 45lb buckets for sale. He's asking $40 per bucket! There are price increases, and there are gougings. This is a gouging. And someone will probably buy it.
03-20-2008, 02:10 PM
I heard that Lehi Mills was a bad place to buy wheat, but I'll be darned if I can remember who told me that and why. I'll have to poke around for that information...:confused:
Mirk - you got it from me. I got it from a well known speaker (who shall remain nameless on this board so he is not accused of anything by Lehi Mills) who talks to thousands of people on food storage. He said that his feedback was that Lehi wasn't real clean in their process (from people who have knowledge of the plant) and every time he heard stories with people having trouble with bugs & cleanliness that the wheat had come from Lehi Mills. So that is the scoop for what it is worth.
Hidden Arrow
03-23-2008, 12:55 AM
This morning I came accross an ad on KSL, in the Food Storage section. A man has some white wheat in 45lb buckets for sale. He's asking $40 per bucket! There are price increases, and there are gougings. This is a gouging. And someone will probably buy it.
At Macey's today they were charging $33 for a 45 lb bucket of white wheat. Doesn't sound like gouging to me, just supply and demand. I think what we're seeing is just a run on the market, and it will be interesting to see how long it takes for the price to start levelling out. At the Welfare Square yesterday they said that there is plenty of wheat to be had, it's just not being delivered as fast as people are buying it right now. They said it's all word of mouth; people hear the price is rising and then they go get some. Then when it sells out for that day, the remaining customers get alarmed that there isn't any on the shelf, and come back the earlier the next day. While we were there my husband overheard them take a call where they learned there are bishops counseling their congregations to buy wheat now because the price is rising. But these things are not evidence necessarily of a lot of people feeling the Spirit of preparation (though I'm not ruling that out) so much as a run on the market.
Maybe we can all take one of our buckets of wheat and go plant it in the yard and harvest it later in the season, just for growing practice. If we sell in the fall, maybe we can all make a killing and use the profits to buy more. <w>
03-23-2008, 01:22 AM
This morning I came accross an ad on KSL, in the Food Storage section. A man has some white wheat in 45lb buckets for sale. He's asking $40 per bucket! There are price increases, and there are gougings. This is a gouging. And someone will probably buy it.
Emergency Essentials sells it for $40.95 so they are probably just matching the price.
04-25-2009, 12:19 PM
Cause of the weather prices may go up locally...but looks like wheat crops globally will do better...which might lower production levels in the U.S.
05-03-2009, 05:07 PM
I didn't read earlier posts about popcorn. I have seen lots of posts about buying it for some reason. What else can you do with it besides pop it? Can you grind it into flour for cornbread or eat it some other way than pop it? If I coarsely ground it, could I use it as chicken feed?
You can never have too much popcorn! Popcorn with a little butter, salt or parmesan cheese is healthier to snack on than potato chips. I have a lot stored to grind into cornmeal--what else are you going to eat with all those pinto beans?
05-04-2009, 12:28 PM
Popcorn...Still relatively cheap at Sam's...I think it was under $17 for 50 lbs last time I checked.
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