View Full Version : Herbal cure for the flu
12-10-2008, 04:54 PM
This is the cure for the flu - garlic
To prevent getting the flu you need to have a very clean environment. Avoid getting chilled. Cooler temperatures helps the virus and makes you suseptable to the flu. Don't let the back of your neck get chilled. Wear scarfs and hats and dress warm.
Those who get the flu that die usually die from pneumonia.
There is an herbal remedy out there called Super Immune Garlic Formula. It is by Dr. Christopher. You can find it at any health food store. If you get the flu take this by the swig full (not by the directions - not enough) and you should be better by the next day.
Hot baths followed by cold showers will help too. (The cold shower will not chill you but will seal the heat into your body)
Eat lots of onion soup that you add raw garlic to after it is cooked.
You may stink to high heaven but you will be avoided by people and not able to pass it on.:l0 (13): It's worth it to be better by the next day.
Thank you, Julie. Excellent advice!
For those who are really worried about a flu killing them, I would recommend doing as much as you can to prevent it. In other words, start now with eating whole foods, cleaning out your body (toxins), etc. Juice fasting is good (DH and I are planning to go on an extended juice fast the day after Christmas). For those who want to know how to clean out your body, there are several people on this site who know how.
12-11-2008, 12:10 AM
I'd like to hear more about this juice fast... how many days are you doing it? DH and I went on a "fruit fast" which included lots of fruit juices also, for 9 days and it was pretty cool. Couldn't bring myself to eat meat again for several weeks.
I second the advice about scarves. If I feel something "coming on" I'll wear one of my old cloth diapers around my neck to sleep with and I'll be rid of it by morning. My parents always wear "neck things" all winter and do not get sick. It seems silly almost cuz it's so simple, but keeping your neck covered really works wonders.
12-11-2008, 08:54 AM
My son says the secret to staying warm in -30 in Russia was not thermals but as the native Russians taught him - a scarf.
12-11-2008, 12:35 PM
I have been eating a homemade raw vinaigrette dressing on romaine and spring green mix, and it seems to be doing wonders for my immune system. And it feels so good to eat it. Here's my recipe:
1/3 c cold-pressed organic extra virgin olive oil
1/2 c raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar (I use Bragg's)
1-2 cloves raw garlic
1-2 t raw honey
1/2-1 t Bragg's liquid aminos (kind of like soy sauce, but better)
1 pinch bragg sprinkle or Spike seasoning or other many-ingrediented natural seasonings that are out there.
I throw all of this except the sprinkle into the blender, then I mix in the Spike and pour it over mah greens. Then I use a peppermill to crack raw black pepper over the salad. It has become a staple food. I wonder what I smell like...
12-11-2008, 03:42 PM
There is an herbal remedy out there called Super Immune Garlic Formula. It is by Dr. Christopher. You can find it at any health food store. If you get the flu take this by the swig full (not by the directions - not enough) and you should be better by the next day.
If you make the Super Immune Garlic (also known as Anti-Plauge kit) yourself, it is a lot cheaper! I love this stuff. You can buy all the herbs and obtain the recipe from:
It is very cheap if you make it, and the kit makes about 1 gallon. Great STUFF - I highly recommend it.
12-11-2008, 06:23 PM
If you make a gallon how long will it last before its no good?
12-11-2008, 08:34 PM
When I purchased the herbs for the anti-plague kit, I asked the store owner the same question. She told me - a few years stored in the fridge is not a problem. I store my 1 gallon of anti-plague kit in "brown" 16/32 oz bottles in the back of my fridge. The brown glass bottles are cheap and they block out the light. The store owner is really nice and answers all my questions promptly. Her name is Kathryn and her e-mail address is
[email protected] Tell her you are interested in making the anti-plague kit, she will give you the receipe and tell you all about it.
visit (
12-12-2008, 10:40 AM
This is quite to process to make. I have never made it myself but I have friends who have. Maybe I will make it as a school assignment and put my kids to work :l0 (46): Julie
Mix well the following liquid ingredients:
8 parts apple cider vinegar
5 parts glycerine
5 parts honey
2 parts garlic juice, fresh
2 parts comfrey root concentrate
1 part wormwood concentrate
1 part lobelia leaf concentrate
1 part marshmallow root concentrate
1 part oak bark concentrate
1 part black walnut bark concentrate
1 part mullein leaf concentrate
1 part skullcap leaf concentrate
1 part uva ursi, hydrangea or gravel root concentrate
To make concentrates:
Each concentrate should be made individually. Start by soaking the herb in enough distilled water to cover it, for four hours, over night if it is a root. After soaking, add more distilled water so that the total added equals 16 oz. water per 4 oz. of herb. Use a multiple of these amounts for larger batches. Using this amount will make approx. one gallon of Anti-Plague.
Simmer the herb on very low heat in a covered pan or double boiler for thirty minutes. Then strain the liquid into a clean pan. Put the liquid into a double boiler or on very low heat uncovered and simmer it down to one-fourth of the original volume (4 oz.) Only after all the ingredients have been prepared should the liquids be mixed. (Use only stainless steel pots.)
To make Garlic Juice: for the above amount use 2 1/2 lbs. of garlic - peel, blend in blender with vinegar (do not liquify). Let set for 3 days, shaking several times per day. Squeeze out liquid and measure. If needed add more vinegar to equal the 8 parts.
Thanks, Julie. I have that recipe. I've not made it because you have to make each concentrate separately.
ktcottle, Thanks for the info. I wondered how long it would last. DH wanted to make some but we ended up not doing it b/c we weren't sure how long it would last - and a gallon is a lot to waste!
Morgan, thanks for the recipe. I actually have all of those ingredients. I'll have to try it.
We are planning to do a 30 day juice fast. I have never gone on one that long. The longest I have lasted is Bernard Jensen's version which was about 5 or 6 days. I was never hungry on it. I didn't have all of the ingredients he recommended but I did the best I could.
Other juice fasts I went on were apple juice fasts (lasted 1-2 days) and carrot juice (I lasted nearly five days on that but I confess I put some of the pulp back into the juice, mixed it up and drank it that way).
This version comes from Dr. Schulze. DH really likes him and has bought his stuff for us. We're ready to go except for the few things I need to buy just before Christmas (like organic carrots, apples, etc.)
Basically, you buy organic fruit/veggies (or pick them, if you grow them) and juice them in a juicer (like Champion or something). I have taken wheat grass and put them in a blender with water (I don't have a wheat-grass juicer). I often mix my juices half and half with water b/c of low blood sugar issues. You drink juice whenever you want to, several times a day. Usually you choose one type of juice and stick with it for the duration, but not always (it is still recommended to use only one type of juice per day). Dr. Christopher says that if you're so hungry you can't stand it to eat a piece of the food you are juicing.
I, personally, like the taste of several apples (8-10 small or medium size) with 1/2 lemon (juice it skin and all). It tastes much better than apple juice alone.
If you don't have a juicer or don't want to juice the food yourself, you can buy juice. Look for organic. I have found some in regular stores - or in regular juice sections of stores that have "health food sections." The health food sections charge more, as do health food stores. It isn't as good to have pre-bottled juices but it is much better than nothing.
I have even seen a cheap brand of apple juice (drunk a gallon a day) work when the person was not trying to juice fast, ate regular meals, etc. They went into a cleanse. A perpetual zit turned into an oozing sore. They thought something bad was happening and did all they could to plug up the sore. Didn't listen to me. :mad (2):
I think the fruit diet you mentioned, Signseeker, would be the easiest to do and would be more natural. If the fruit were organic and you ate only one kind of fruit for several days at a time and made sure you drank plenty of water. True, you have to digest it but the fasts often have psyllium or something similar to take to "scrub" the intestinal walls.
Anyway, I think if we were "clean" we would have less to fear from a pandemic. I don't know if we would completely avoid it but the WofW says that if we obey it, the destroying angel will pass us by. And it says to eat meat only in times of cold or famine and stresses eating plants (not the stuff we all eat, including me, that passes for food, some of it actually having been food in a former, unprocessed life). Oh, yeah, the WofW also says to obey the commandments.
Whew! What a sermon this has turned out to be. (If you add all three posts together)
I'm writing a paper comparing the ritual purity practices of Hinduism and Judaism and it's interesting in the middle ages that many of the diseases had not effected the Jewish population in Europe. This led to speculation that the Jews were poisoning the wells. A logical fallacy is even named the fallacy of poisoning the well. A lot of the diseases came from pork products at the time, the spanish flu of 1918 was also from pork, and scholars now think the Jews avoided the diseases because they avoided pork. Nowadays chicken and other poultry are to blame for a lot of the flu cases. I'm sure the hygiene practiced by the Jews in the middle ages helped as well though. As far as diet I like the idea of staying on the perimeter of the grocery store and avoiding the center. And I think avoiding certain kinds of meat helps as well. I try to consume organic free range meats and try to eat meat no more than once a day when possible. I read an article recently on MSN about the increasing contamination of the meats in this country.
Yeah, reading about meat nowadays is pretty scary. I buy chicken occasionally but it is chicken w/out drugs, etc. Once in a while we'll get other kinds but more and more I am getting away from meat altogether. DH, on the other hand is vegetarian and will only eat meat once in a while to be polite.
12-13-2008, 11:36 PM
My dad's pretty much vegetarian... he'll eat some poultry and fish occasionally. I agree that the meat nowadays is kinda' creepy. Interesting about the destroying angel passing us by... There's a "book" I have (I think it's actually someone's college thesis or something) on the WoW - called Health is a Blessing. It offered that health is a blessing and if we follow the commandments we can avoid all sickness and disease. Kinda' interesting stuff. I mean, we all know great people who've had diseases, I'm sure... but maybe we really don't know or understand all there is to know about nutrition.
One thing I do know is it's totally easy for me to start a fruit/veggie diet and it takes much effort to go back to things like meat or fried foods - it's just gross. My son who's in wrestling and trying to cut to 119 (he's 124) has been eating mainly fruits and veggies and he had some Arby's sandwich tonight after the match and said he almost puked. This is Mr. You Gotta' Eat Steak or You Die! :l0 (20):
12-13-2008, 11:47 PM
One word or caution. If you take a large amount of garlic, like in this instance, you need to take some acidophilus when you are done to get your intestinal floral back to normal.
12-14-2008, 12:46 AM
O...kay.... what's acidophilus? You telling me there's flowers in my intestines? Cuz I think there's some evidence on occasion to the contrary... :svengo:
acidophilus is a probiotic, basically you have good bacteria and bad bacteria in your gut. If you take antibiotics it kills all the good and bad so when they re-colonize the ratio is 50-50 when it should be around 80-20 or 75-25 I forget exactly. Anyway, I have taken them in the past and I have noticed the efects of it on my digestion.
"My son who's in wrestling and trying to cut to 119 (he's 124) has been eating mainly fruits and veggies and he had some Arby's sandwich tonight after the match and said he almost puked."
I've experienced this before when I went on a detox all raw diet for two weeks and experienced some trouble eating some meats. I still avoid pork (high calorie, low nutrient) and fast foods. I have had fast foods maybe 5-6 times in the last 8-9 years and every time I eat it I get really sick. Lately I've been watching my consumption of chicken, but then again I've had meat maybe twice this week.
12-14-2008, 06:24 PM
Update - son did end up puking most of last night. I tried to tell him... gradual, dude. Keep it gradual...
One word or caution. If you take a large amount of garlic, like in this instance, you need to take some acidophilus when you are done to get your intestinal floral back to normal.
Julie, would you expound on this? I know if you take enemas, colonics, colemas, and/or antibiotics the flora in your intestines is washed out or destroyed. What, exactly, does garlic to the the critters that are supposed to be in your gut?
I'll let you answer Signseeker since her question was directed to you.
12-16-2008, 08:27 PM
O...kay.... what's acidophilus? You telling me there's flowers in my intestines? Cuz I think there's some evidence on occasion to the contrary... :svengo:
12-16-2008, 10:22 PM
I'm glad someone finds me funny. It so helps my self-esteem. :biggrinjester:
Okay, the intestinal flora are microscopic or nearly-so critters that keep our guts in good shape. Without them, we have gas, fatigue, yeast infections, thrush, etc. Enemas wash them out, as does severe diarrhea. Antibiotics kill them. Some yogurts have them or you can buy a bottle in the health food store (refrigerated section) of liquid or capsules. I think someone else could explain better than me but no one has come forward to answer yet.
12-17-2008, 02:06 PM
Yeah, I've heard yogurt is good for that. I've also heard people's bodies can become sort of "dependent" on enemas (stool softeners, too) if they take them on a regular basis.
I've also heard people's bodies can become sort of "dependent" on enemas (stool softeners, too) if they take them on a regular basis.
Yeah, they can. That's why it's better to take herbs b/c herbs strengthen the colon instead of causing dependency.
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