View Full Version : Swine Flu-Supplement, Don't Vaccinate

09-28-2009, 08:08 AM
Interesting article from Meridian Magazine. Stuff already known....

The Swine Flu?Supplement, Don?t Vaccinate
By Stan Gardner, M.D., CNS

Editor?s Note:
I am adamantly opposed to the swine flu vaccine, and am convinced that getting a vaccination against swine flu is not in your best interest. Read the facts, and decide for yourself.
About the swine flu
Dr. Russell Blaylock, author, lecturer, retired neurosurgeon, and nutritional researcher, did a detailed analysis of the material from the CDC (Center for Disease Control), printed on September 5, 2009:
1. Flu hospitalizations are the same or lower for all flu illness this year, as compared to other years.
2. The number of flu deaths this year has not changed from yearly averages.
3. There is no evidence of viral mutation anywhere in the world.
4. Flu illness remains susceptible to antiviral drugs, so swine flu is not resistant to Tamiflu or other flu antivirals.
5. 43,771 cases were reported in the United States (however, poor reporting could place real estimates as high as one million). Of the reported cases, 5,011 people have been hospitalized; 302 deaths have resulted, which is 0.6% of 43,771 or 0.03% of one million.
6. Because the chronically ill and immune suppressed tend to get infected early, most deaths will occur early in the season (so even as illness numbers are rising, deaths will decrease as the season progresses).
7. People do not die from flu itself. The only reason people die from flu is that they have a contributing immune- suppressing chronic illness. Some illnesses that fit into that category are diabetes, dietary deficiencies, chronic pulmonary disease, heart disease, cancer, and direct immune dysfunction.
8. A review of the 1918 flu pandemic found that most deaths were related to complications of bacterial pneumonia, before the widespread use of antibiotics and when there were no IV fluids and no respirators yet in use.
9. The number of children?s deaths this year are less than the previous two years by this time of year.
Some Things Don?t Make Sense
If you are not into conspiracy theories, then jump to the next topic about the importance of being healthy as a protection from all diseases, including swine flu. But for those who are open to looking at some mighty odd information, check out the following:
These are some good questions brought to the forefront in a class action law suit from journalist Jane Burgermeister, filed on July 30, 2009 (you can find more information in Burgermeister?s letter to Dr. Chan, head of WHO (http://forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?topic=104088.0)):
1. Why are we at pandemic level 6 (the highest level) when the swine flu is so mild?
2. Why is a motion for legislation mandating forced vaccination being filed in the United States?
3. Genetically, swine and bird flu viruses don?t mix. So how could a genome sequence of a swine flu and bird flu and human flu come together, unless it was man-made?
4. Why would a vaccine that is rushed through the ?fast-track? for clearance (fewer safety steps) be mandated in the United States?
5. Why isn?t the swine flu vaccine classified as a bioweapon?
6. Why don?t we know more about this from the media?
Being Healthy as a Protection
In the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), June 19th, 2002 edition, a scientific review of vitamins for chronic disease prevention in adults was printed. This well documented treatise, with 152 references, documented the benefits of nine vitamins and their positive effects on coronary heart disease, cancer, neural tube defects and osteoporosis. The treatise also documents the value of the vitamins in disease prevention.
Vitamins and minerals have also been shown to improve the immune system. Many times, as a therapeutic measure, the dosage for these substances far exceeds the recommended amounts for daily use. Below are some examples:
1. In children with a vitamin A deficiency and low T cell counts (T cells are critical in the killing of infectious agents), a single large dose of vitamin A of 100,000 IU restored the T cell counts to normal
2. Enhanced T cell-mediated immune function takes place at vitamin E intakes of at least 200 IU per day[ii] (http://www.ldsmag.com/healthyoutlook/090928swine.html#_edn2)
3. Treatment of iron deficiency anemia showed improvement in T cell activity, IgG and IgM levels (antibody levels), white cell bactericidal (bacteria killing) activity[iii] (http://www.ldsmag.com/healthyoutlook/090928swine.html#_edn3)
4. Twelve healthy individuals received a single dose of vitamin C (60 mg / kg or 4800 mg in a 180 pound man) and had a significant enhancement of natural killer cell activity for more than 24 hours[iv] (http://www.ldsmag.com/healthyoutlook/090928swine.html#_edn4)
5. Selenium at 2 mg / kg reversed the age related immune cell decline seen in elderly mice[v] (http://www.ldsmag.com/healthyoutlook/090928swine.html#_edn5)
6. Effects of vitamin C on a wide variety of viruses showed all were inactivated as the vitamin C was oxidized. Some of the commonly known viruses tested included hepatitis, measles, mumps, viral orchitis, herpes zoster, encephalitis, and others[vi] (http://www.ldsmag.com/healthyoutlook/090928swine.html#_edn6)
7. 11,000 patients over a 14 year period were given vitamin C doses to cause bowel tolerance (a clinical term meaning enough dosage to cause diarrhea). The more severe the illness, the greater the number of grams needed to achieve bowel tolerance to destroy the virus. Up to 150 grams per day were needed in influenza.[vii] (http://www.ldsmag.com/healthyoutlook/090928swine.html#_edn7)
8. 818 volunteers were followed through one winter. The volunteers had been administered either vitamin C, 250 mg 4 times per day (which was increased to 1000 mg four times per day if participants were ill), compared to a equally matched placebo group. The following was noted: no illness in 100 days-26 % in the vitamin C group, 18% in the placebo group; days confined to house-21% lower in vitamin C group; days missed at work-30% less in the vitamin C group. All these values reached significance with p ? 0.05 or less.[viii] (http://www.ldsmag.com/healthyoutlook/090928swine.html#_edn8)
9. Vitamin D was given to inmates in one prison ward but was not given to other inmates in the Atascadero prison in California in 2005. A severe flu outbreak hit the prison, but the inmates in the ward receiving vitamin D did not have a single inmate infected, even though they mingled with the other inmates.[ix] (http://www.ldsmag.com/healthyoutlook/090928swine.html#_edn9)
10. Many immune system diseases are improved with vitamin D administration, including some cancers, diabetes type I, Grave?s disease (autoimmune), Lupus Erythematosus, and Multiple Sclerosis.[x] (http://www.ldsmag.com/healthyoutlook/090928swine.html#_edn10)
How Sugar Affects Our Immune System
The substances we take into our mouth also affect our immune system. For example, the following is a list of specific immune deficits caused by the ingestion of sugar:
1. Sugar interferes with the body?s phagocytes? (the cells that eat up bacteria or viruses, like PacMan) ability for at least 5 hours after ingestion.[xi] (http://www.ldsmag.com/healthyoutlook/090928swine.html#_edn11)
2. High glucose levels in the blood stream bind to proteins, thus damaging the immune system.[xii] (http://www.ldsmag.com/healthyoutlook/090928swine.html#_edn12)
3. Sugar causes inflammation, which triggers an immune system response. This may distract the immune system from more important duties, like killing viruses or bacteria or cancer cells.
About the swine flu vaccine:
Continuing with Dr. Blaylock?s analysis:
1. Of the 5 tests that have been scheduled for vaccine safety, no one in the test group has been or will be injected with the adjuvant (the immune booster that makes the vaccine more effective); the adjuvant will be added later for mass vaccination. Injecting without the adjuvant makes the ?testing? for safety suspect.
2. No data is available on safety for these vaccinations in children.
3. The vaccine has been ?fast-tracked? (which means that, in the interest of speed, many of the usual safety precautions will not be required).
4. Sixty virologists were asked what they were doing personally about the swine flu. Of the interviewed virologists, thirty said nothing, twenty were stocking Tamiflu, and none mentioned taking the swine flu vaccine.
5. No information will be available on the safety profile of mixing the three viruses into a single vaccine, or the safety profile if the three viruses are given sequentially in three vaccinations.
6. Vaccine contamination is widespread, including containing pestivirus, mycoplasma, viral fragments, DNA fragments and bacterial components, all of which can cause chronic systemic disorders, cancer, neurologic disease and slow brain degeneration.
Other known facts:
1. The pharmaceutical companies making and distributing the vaccine are protected from law suits relative to the vaccine, regardless of the outcome, once the vaccine is widely administered.
Recommendations from Dr. Gardner:
1. Do not get the swine flu vaccine
2. Eat ?real? food and avoid processed food, especially refined sugar, which affects the immune system
3. Take a potent multivitamin (usually at least 4 to 6 per day) and omega 6 and omega 3 oils
4. Vitamin D levels in your blood should be in the 50s. If you don?t know your level, and you live in the northern US, take at least 1000 IU (or preferably 5000 IU) of D3 each day.
5. Check out my website for additional references to this and other health issues, and for more supportive evidence for nutritional supplementation to our diets: http://www.stangardnermd.com (http://www.stangardnermd.com/)

6. If you get an infectious illness (whether swine flu, regular flu, colds, sinusitis, ?):

increase your vitamin C intake to at least 6 to 10 grams orally each day
take anti-virals like citricidal, echanacea, andrographis, astragalus
consider taking beta-glucan and colostrum which will build the immune system (specifically the natural killer cells)
I subscribe to Bernarr Macfadden?s philosophy. This pioneer in health made an astute comment back in 1928?one that serves us well to follow today: ?The reader should now be fully persuaded to accept the statement of our assurance that [I]most disease is preventable. There is no physician of any school who will not agree to the proposition that if the body be healthy it has the power to resist the aggressions of any kind of disease. Even though one accept the germ theory to its fullest extent, we have shown that disease germs cannot grow and thrive in a healthy organism. No matter what contagion is, or how it works, it has no power over a healthy body.? (Macfadden?s Encyclopedia of Physical Culture, p. 66.)

09-28-2009, 08:53 PM
I sent this article out to my email group. One of them has a relative who is a very good chemist. They wrote their thoughts on the article which I found interesting. I am posting the article with their response as I received it. I have put his comments in red. Food for thought! I appreciate hearing another viewpoint so we don't get caught up in tin foil type stuff. It is of note that he is not going to take the vaccine either.


The Swine Flu?Supplement, Don?t Vaccinate
By Stan Gardner, M.D., CNS

Editor?s Note:

I am adamantly opposed to the swine flu vaccine, and am convinced that getting a vaccination against swine flu is not in your best interest. Read the facts, and decide for yourself.

About the swine flu

Dr. Russell Blaylock, author, lecturer, retired neurosurgeon, and nutritional researcher, did a detailed analysis of the material from the CDC (Center for Disease Control), printed on September 5, 2009:

1. Flu hospitalizations are the same or lower for all flu illness this year, as compared to other years. Probably not true, too much fear mongering to not have an uptick in hospitalizations

2. The number of flu deaths this year has not changed from yearly averages. True, actually, I think they are even down

3. There is no evidence of viral mutation anywhere in the world. Not true, viral mutation, particularly in flu is constant, however, no evidence of a recent change in either infectiousness or lethality

4. Flu illness remains susceptible to antiviral drugs, so swine flu is not resistant to Tamiflu or other flu antivirals. True, but immaterial.

5. 43,771 cases were reported in the United States (however, poor reporting could place real estimates as high as one million). Of the reported cases, 5,011 people have been hospitalized; 302 deaths have resulted, which is 0.6% of 43,771 or 0.03% of one million. True and material

6. Because the chronically ill and immune suppressed tend to get infected early, most deaths will occur early in the season (so even as illness numbers are rising, deaths will decrease as the season progresses). True with normal flu, less true with swine flu (tends to hit younger people harder) and completely untrue for Spanish flu of 1918. Highest lethality was between 18-28.

7. People do not die from flu itself. Like saying you didn?t die from a bee sting if you go into anaphylactic shock when stung by a bee. Completely specious. The only reason people die from flu is that they have a contributing immune- suppressing chronic illness. Mis-direction. Increases chances, but is not the ONLY reason. Certainly wasn?t true of SARS and not particularly true of swine flu. Some illnesses that fit into that category are diabetes, dietary deficiencies, chronic pulmonary disease, heart disease, cancer, and direct immune dysfunction.

8. A review of the 1918 flu pandemic found that most deaths were related to complications of bacterial pneumonia, before the widespread use of antibiotics and when there were no IV fluids and no respirators yet in use. Completely false

9. The number of children?s deaths this year are less than the previous two years by this time of year. Probably true, people taking more precautions and swine flu has not been particularly lethal.

Some Things Don?t Make Sense

If you are not into conspiracy theories, then jump to the next topic about the importance of being healthy as a protection from all diseases, including swine flu. But for those who are open to looking at some mighty odd information, check out the following:

These are some good questions brought to the forefront in a class action law suit from journalist Jane Burgermeister, filed on July 30, 2009 (you can find more information in Burgermeister?s letter to Dr. Chan, head of WHO):

1. Why are we at pandemic level 6 (the highest level) when the swine flu is so mild? Fear Mongering. It?s how health organizations get money, same as security organizations, TSA, whatever.

2. Why is a motion for legislation mandating forced vaccination being filed in the United States? Same as 1.

3. Genetically, swine and bird flu viruses don?t mix. Not true, they do mix, usually in pigs. It?s how most seasonal mutations occur. So how could a genome sequence of a swine flu and bird flu and human flu come together, unless it was man-made? Nut job. Same people as those purporting AIDS was manmade.

4. Why would a vaccine that is rushed through the ?fast-track? for clearance (fewer safety steps) be mandated in the United States? Same as 1

5. Why isn?t the swine flu vaccine classified as a bioweapon? Total nonsense. Why isn?t cholera vaccine, or small pox, or polio, or?

6. Why don?t we know more about this from the media? Are you kidding, this thing is so overhyped by the media it?s sickening.

Being Healthy as a Protection

General notes on this type of stuff:

1) There are always studies showing the wonderful effects of this or that. Vitamin C has been promoted for a hundred years, yet every scientifically designed study shows NO effect, big conspiracy by the tens of thousands involved? Or maybe people want to believe in a magic bullet.

2) Often studies are done in foreign countries where health is worse, medical care is poor and people are both under nourished and not getting proper nutrition (including vitamins).

3) Studies results can often not be replicated and are usually not well designed (double blind with control group)

4) Studies are often just done by data mining without addressing compounding and confounding factors

5) Every conspiracist things the medical/big pharma/govt is covering up perfect health for everyone. I?ve seen a few Sci-Fi movies along this line, but never any evidence. Too cut throat for this kind of cover-up. Reminds me of the 100 MPH Carburetor when I was a kid.

6) Average life expectancy and even more the average usual life expectancy keep rising.

7) Eat well, exercise more, reduce stress and accept the fact that disease happens and everyone dies.

In the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), June 19th, 2002 edition, a scientific review of vitamins for chronic disease prevention in adults was printed. This well documented treatise, with 152 references, documented the benefits of nine vitamins and their positive effects on coronary heart disease, cancer, neural tube defects and osteoporosis. The treatise also documents the value of the vitamins in disease prevention.

Vitamins and minerals have also been shown to improve the immune system. Many times, as a therapeutic measure, the dosage for these substances far exceeds the recommended amounts for daily use. Below are some examples:

1. In children with a vitamin A deficiency and low T cell counts (T cells are critical in the killing of infectious agents), a single large dose of vitamin A of 100,000 IU restored the T cell counts to normal[i] Stupid, those with vitamin A deficiency, your healthier with more Vitamin A. no duh

2. Enhanced T cell-mediated immune function takes place at vitamin E intakes of at least 200 IU per day[ii] Read the study, it was in elderly patients probably not getting an adequate diet.

3. Treatment of iron deficiency anemia showed improvement in T cell activity, IgG and IgM levels (antibody levels), white cell bactericidal (bacteria killing) activity[iii] Fix a deficiency helps, another no duh

4. Twelve healthy individuals received a single dose of vitamin C (60 mg / kg or 4800 mg in a 180 pound man) and had a significant enhancement of natural killer cell activity for more than 24 hours[iv] Now that?s what I call a large sample. How many of those develop kidney stones, because large doses of Vitamin C are linked to increased incidence of kidney stones.

5. Selenium at 2 mg / kg reversed the age related immune cell decline seen in elderly mice[v] Human trials showed NO effect. But I?m not a mouse

6. Effects of vitamin C on a wide variety of viruses showed all were inactivated as the vitamin C was oxidized. Some of the commonly known viruses tested included hepatitis, measles, mumps, viral orchitis, herpes zoster, encephalitis, and others[vi] So we dump a virus that can?t live outside the body into an acid and say that has biological meaning how?

7. 11,000 patients over a 14 year period were given vitamin C doses to cause bowel tolerance (a clinical term meaning enough dosage to cause diarrhea). The more severe the illness, the greater the number of grams needed to achieve bowel tolerance to destroy the virus. Up to 150 grams per day were needed in influenza.[vii] So you toxify the bowel so that the virus can?t live there, that means what in the throat and lungs?

8. 818 volunteers were followed through one winter. The volunteers had been administered either vitamin C, 250 mg 4 times per day (which was increased to 1000 mg four times per day if participants were ill), compared to a equally matched placebo group. The following was noted: no illness in 100 days-26 % in the vitamin C group, 18% in the placebo group; days confined to house-21% lower in vitamin C group; days missed at work-30% less in the vitamin C group. All these values reached significance with p ? 0.05 or less.[viii] The always cited Vitamin C study which could never be repeated, and is considered fraudulent.

9. Vitamin D was given to inmates in one prison ward but was not given to other inmates in the Atascadero prison in California in 2005. A severe flu outbreak hit the prison, but the inmates in the ward receiving vitamin D did not have a single inmate infected, even though they mingled with the other inmates.[ix] Yea right. So which is it Vitamin C or D.

10. Many immune system diseases are improved with vitamin D administration, including some cancers, diabetes type I, Grave?s disease (autoimmune), Lupus Erythematosus, and Multiple Sclerosis.[x] Really, prove it. This is claimed based on data mining.

How Sugar Affects Our Immune System

The substances we take into our mouth also affect our immune system. For example, the following is a list of specific immune deficits caused by the ingestion of sugar:

1. Sugar interferes with the body?s phagocytes? (the cells that eat up bacteria or viruses, like PacMan) ability for at least 5 hours after ingestion.[xi] Yea on teeth. Not internally

2. High glucose levels in the blood stream bind to proteins, thus damaging the immune system.[xii] Low glucose levels in the blood stream don?t bind to proteins, it?s called diabetic shock and is lethal.

3. Sugar causes inflammation, which triggers an immune system response. This may distract the immune system from more important duties, like killing viruses or bacteria or cancer cells. How does sugar cause inflammation? Too much can cause inflammation of the waistline.

About the swine flu vaccine:

Continuing with Dr. Blaylock?s analysis:

1. Of the 5 tests that have been scheduled for vaccine safety, no one in the test group has been or will be injected with the adjuvant (the immune booster that makes the vaccine more effective); the adjuvant will be added later for mass vaccination. Injecting without the adjuvant makes the ?testing? for safety suspect. This I don?t know about, but I am suspect of the quality of the safety trials. The 1970?s swine flu vaccine had a significant number of problems, primarily Guillian-Barr.

2. No data is available on safety for these vaccinations in children. Not yet

3. The vaccine has been ?fast-tracked? (which means that, in the interest of speed, many of the usual safety precautions will not be required). This is true. Due to all the fear mongering by the CDC.

4. Sixty virologists were asked what they were doing personally about the swine flu. Of the interviewed virologists, thirty said nothing, twenty were stocking Tamiflu, and none mentioned taking the swine flu vaccine. So?

5. No information will be available on the safety profile of mixing the three viruses into a single vaccine, or the safety profile if the three viruses are given sequentially in three vaccinations. This is done ALL of the time. Look at children?s vaccines, often have 3-4 viruses. Seasonal flu vaccine is always at least two and usually three.

6. Vaccine contamination is widespread, including containing pestivirus, mycoplasma, viral fragments, DNA fragments and bacterial components, all of which can cause chronic systemic disorders, cancer, neurologic disease and slow brain degeneration. Contamination is true of all vaccines, part of the process of making a biologically active material from eggs. No correlation to brain disorders, cancer, neurological and brain degeneration, but definite correlation to longer lives and fewer diseases.
Other known facts:

1. The pharmaceutical companies making and distributing the vaccine are protected from law suits relative to the vaccine, regardless of the outcome, once the vaccine is widely administered. True, was the only way they would agree to bypass some of the normal testing protocols to expedite delivery of the vaccine.

Recommendations from Dr. Gardner:

1. Do not get the swine flu vaccine I agree.

2. Eat ?real? food and avoid processed food, especially refined sugar, which affects the immune system Your body can?t tell refined sugar from not refined sugar. Glucose is glucose. What your body can tell is the non-nutritive caloric density in some foods, particularly snack food.

3. Take a potent multivitamin (usually at least 4 to 6 per day) and omega 6 and omega 3 oils. A multi-vitamin is good, 4-6 per day is dangerous. Some vitamins and minerals a toxic in higher doses.

4. Vitamin D levels in your blood should be in the 50s. If you don?t know your level, and you live in the northern US, take at least 1000 IU (or preferably 5000 IU) of D3 each day. Why not 1,000,000,000 IU per day? Isn?t more better.

5. Check out my website for additional references to this and other health issues, and for more supportive evidence for nutritional supplementation to our diets: http://www.stangardnermd.com Bet he?s selling something

6. If you get an infectious illness (whether swine flu, regular flu, colds, sinusitis, ?):

* increase your vitamin C intake to at least 6 to 10 grams orally each day
* take anti-virals like citricidal, echanacea, andrographis, astragalus
* consider taking beta-glucan and colostrum which will build the immune system (specifically the natural killer cells)

I subscribe to Bernarr Macfadden?s philosophy. This pioneer in health made an astute comment back in 1928?one that serves us well to follow today: ?The reader should now be fully persuaded to accept the statement of our assurance that most disease is preventable. There is no physician of any school who will not agree to the proposition that if the body be healthy it has the power to resist the aggressions of any kind of disease. Even though one accept the germ theory to its fullest extent, we have shown that disease germs cannot grow and thrive in a healthy organism. No matter what contagion is, or how it works, it has no power over a healthy body.? (Macfadden?s Encyclopedia of Physical Culture, p. 66.) He may have been a pioneer in 1928, but this is 2009. If I subscribe to the physics model of 1928, does that make it any less false? No matter how healthy you are, we get diseases.

09-29-2009, 09:12 AM
another piece of info from my email group:

A doc expert on FOX of all places says he WON?T be giving his children the swine flu vaccination. This to what he says is in it. And FOX thought they had one more doc to testify in favor of it?..surprise! And the interviewer was in fact surprised at this doc?s response.


11-07-2009, 08:29 PM
The guy in Earthings post sounds like a definite advocate for getting the swine flu vaccine to me as he was totally contray to just about everything in Dr. Gardeners article.

A health care zealot and against natural medicine. typical reaction in my opinion. there are 2 shcools of thought here folks modern medicine and natural alternatives and it seems that for most part never the twain shall meet.

follow your heart your gut the spirit or whatever you feel you can trust.

11-08-2009, 01:06 AM
The guy in Earthings post sounds like a definite advocate for getting the swine flu vaccine to me as he was totally contray to just about everything in Dr. Gardeners article.

A health care zealot and against natural medicine. typical reaction in my opinion. there are 2 shcools of thought here folks modern medicine and natural alternatives and it seems that for most part never the twain shall meet.

follow your heart your gut the spirit or whatever you feel you can trust.

Which is just as easily said the other way: "A natural medicine zealot and against scientific healthcare. typical reaction in my opinion."

But at least you followed up with this: "follow your heart your gut the spirit or whatever you feel you can trust."

Both camps are equally guilty of this attitude.

11-08-2009, 02:15 PM
The guy in Earthings post sounds like a definite advocate for getting the swine flu vaccine to me as he was totally contray to just about everything in Dr. Gardeners article.

A health care zealot and against natural medicine. typical reaction in my opinion. there are 2 shcools of thought here folks modern medicine and natural alternatives and it seems that for most part never the twain shall meet.

follow your heart your gut the spirit or whatever you feel you can trust.

those are my thoughts too... vitamins/nutrition are far more powerful than the system wants us to understand. when my father started dr. clark's protocol for cancer, he NEVER got sick ever again... no flues, no colds, nothing. he was in his 70's and "ran" faster than people half his age. as a farmer he was get up and go from first light till long after dark. he took mega doses of vitamin c and slightly higher doses of other things. he also worked at walmart as a greeter and came in daily contact with every bug out there.