View Full Version : Number of swine flu cases in the U.S. reaches 57 million

02-14-2010, 09:27 AM
Number of swine flu cases in the U.S. reaches 57 million (http://www.latimes.com/news/nation-and-world/la-sci-swine-flu13-2010feb13,0,5302753.story)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says about 12,000 have died from H1N1 infection, far fewer than in a typical flu season. Other data suggest the pandemic is waning.

By Thomas H. Maugh II February 13, 2010

<!-- sphereit start --> An estimated 57 million Americans have contracted pandemic H1N1 influenza since the outbreak began last April, about 257,000 have been hospitalized with complications from it, and nearly 12,000 have died, according to estimates released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The total number of infected represents an increase of about 7 million cases since the last estimate was released in December, a modest gain that correlates with other data suggesting the swine flu pandemic has been waning.

Most cases in all categories have involved children and adults younger than 65, a sharp change from normal flu seasons, in which the elderly suffer disproportionately.

Although the death total is much lower than the estimated 35,000 U.S. deaths in a normal flu season, the numbers among people younger than 65 are much higher than normal.

Virtually all cases of influenza that were tested have been caused by the H1N1 virus rather than by seasonal flu viruses, a finding that leads some experts to predict -- rather hopefully -- that the country will not see a regular flu season this year.

Nonetheless, the CDC report says, "flu activity, caused by either 2009 H1N1 or seasonal flu viruses, may rise and fall, but it is expected to continue for several more months."

02-14-2010, 06:55 PM
interesting article. I few people in my office were diagnosed with the swine flu a while back. They were never tested for the swine flu (except 1) - just diagnosed and sent home stating they had it. Some of the symptoms were the same between my co-workers, but some were different...yet they were told they had the same "untested" swine flu.

I wonder how accurate these numbers really are?

02-15-2010, 01:25 PM
interesting article. I few people in my office were diagnosed with the swine flu a while back. They were never tested for the swine flu (except 1) - just diagnosed and sent home stating they had it. Some of the symptoms were the same between my co-workers, but some were different...yet they were told they had the same "untested" swine flu.

I wonder how accurate these numbers really are?

Awhile back, I checked the CDC site. Any IFL (ifluenza) like illness was being labeled H1N1. In other words there was no testing being done. These figures are blatantly false. I do not know, but have many suspicions as to why those choose to ensure that the data could not be factual.