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  1. #3
    Sr. Contributor iggy's Avatar
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    Wished I did live there - has anyone used the powdered honey sold by Auguson Farms? The first time I saw it on the shelf at Walmart, I couldn't believe it. I went online @ Walmart, looked it up and read the comments. There is one that says the person would never buy *real* honey again. That they were tired of wasting money by throwing it out after it crystalized. Talk about doing a *Face Palm*. I did restrain myself from responding -

    Am I the only one who is glad when the honey crystallizes? To me that means it is RAW aka Unprocessed. That is why I bought my 1/2 cup size, stainless scoop - to scrap the honey out of the bucket. My source has quit the honey business. Dad & Son have passed on and Grandsons and Granddaughters hate the bees. So they got rid of them. Sigh - they had THE BEST honey on the Oregon Coast!!! If you showed them your Temple Recommend you got a 5 gallon bucket for $5.00! Didn't bother me that I had to remove a few bees and parts of honeycombs.

    IF this powdered honey is good - then I will get a can or three.
    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." -Robert A. Heinlein

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