What helped me the most in all of the "preps", I've made; was having a good solid group of local friends who were all on-board with prepping, and we would do things as a group.
We'd pick an area we wanted to learn more about, each calendar year, and then focus on it for that whole year... mind you we never stopped our prepping in other areas, just increased our attention for that specific item or area for a year. Then the next year, we'd pick something else to concentrate on.
It's a lot more fun to go take the HAM radio class with a bunch of friends, then it is by yourself.
This worked the same with not only the HAM radio class (and research on what radios to buy and going to buy them), but with trips to Mexico (for antibiotics), trips to Nevada or northern AZ for shooting classes, NRA instructor courses, building 72 hour kits, first-aid classes, using the stake canning machine for canning bulk/group food buys, etc, etc.
Fortunately I'm pretty happy with where I stand now on preparedness, but I still have a very long way to go, and need to find some members up here to hook-up with for continued learning.
On a side note, it's nice that lots of people here in Idaho, farm... it's a great area to live in, especially if someone wants to learn about gardening.