There won't be any truckers strikes in the foreseable future:

1. Too many foreigners in the industry from third world countries who think they are rich on what they are payed!

2. The only Union truckdrivers now are Conway Freight, YRC,FED EX,UPS and USF basically the double and triples companies with the short multiple trailers.

What you do have to worry about because politicians aren't smart enough to figure it out is them regulating us to the point the industry can't recruit drivers and the ones that are here give up and quit!!

They want to cut us to 10 hours driving with ABSOLUTELY NO PROOF IT INCREASE SAFETY!! Make us take a 34 hr break once a week no matter what(Right now you can run on hours that come back nightly on the clock from 8 days ago) In other terms, we don't get hourly pay, we get mileage pay so many cents per hour, now with traffic, hills etc we average 50MPH!!

now 1 hour less to drive per day is 50 miles X 7 Or 350 miles per week you lose instatly! then during a 34 restart you normally wouldn't have to take now you coul've driven another 12 hours 12X 50 another 600 miles lost!!

950 miles lost at the average of .30CPM the avaerage truck driver will lose $285 bucks a week of his gross pay!! Because some bureaucrat thought it would be cool!!

The other one is right now truck manufacturers are building the cleanest running truck technology will allow we have exhuast scrubbers called regenerators to capture all that black soot you used to see coming out of the stacks, the newest ones you have to add a fluid to to further clean the pay attention Californians!! Your state wants to make the exhaust restrictions even tighter!! Trucking companies are NOT going to buy special trucks just enter 1 state, so they will just quit running into Commiefornia period!! Not to mention your Highway patrol will pull us over and fine us just for waving hello to them.

Then there is the supply chain itself the existing trucks won't be able to deliver stuff as efficiently because they are sitting still more, the companies cannot add more trucks because they cannot find drivers for the ones they have now, add in lower earnings for the drivers mentioned above and an industry that already loses 9 people out of every ten hired aren't going to be able to entice new drivers to come in by earnings potential.

Meanwhile everybody sitting in their cozy living rooms at home are cheering "Yeah, bout time someone puts the screws to the trucking industry!!" Not realizing that yet again they are having the screws put to them.....................No Trucks=Empty shelves at Costco, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, the Grocerystore.

Think about this post the next time you ask about a missing item you went to the store for and the store manager says "The truck didn't make it!!" Because he probably ran out of his 10 hours which used to 11 just short of the store.

Oh also you folks who don't like seeing trucks have to park in every small nook and cranny of highway shoulders, rest stops, parking lots it's going to get worse since we'll be mandated by law to be parked more without enough parking actually being available out here.